[山东师范大学] 山东师范大学2007年英语综合A专业课考研真题试卷
2、Translate the following terms into English 1)欧洲一体化 2)遏制 3)纳粹大屠杀2014-05-08 编辑:max
[上海外国语大学] 上海外国语大学2001年英语综合试题专业课考研真题试卷附答案
上海外国语大学2001年英语综合试题专业课考研真题试卷附答案2014-06-20 编辑:max
[华南理工大学] 鍗庡崡鐞嗗伐澶у?2006骞磋嫳璇?患鍚堟按骞虫祴璇曚笓涓氳?鑰冪爺鐪熼?璇曞嵎
Part IV. Composition Directions:Write a composition of about 250 words on the topic given below. On Happiness2014-09-11 编辑:Frances
[中国地质大学(武汉)] 涓?浗鍦拌川澶у?(姝︽眽)2004骞磋嫳璇?患鍚堜笓涓氳?鑰冪爺鐪熼?璇曞嵎
VI. Dialogue Completion There are 10 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, write down the answer that appropriately suits the conversational contexts.2014-11-26 编辑:Frances
[中国地质大学(武汉)] 涓?浗鍦拌川澶у?(姝︽眽)2006骞磋嫳璇?患鍚堜笓涓氳?鑰冪爺鐪熼?璇曞嵎
VI. Short-answering questions. 2.Give a brief explanation of American Dream and your own understanding of it. 4.Illustrate analogy with one or two examples.2014-10-20 编辑:Frances
[中国地质大学(武汉)] 涓?浗鍦拌川澶у?(姝︽眽)2002骞磋嫳璇?患鍚堜笓涓氳?鑰冪爺鐪熼?璇曞嵎
1.Who is the author of the poem? 2 What is the prevailing mood in the first four lines?2014-12-18 编辑:Frances
[中国地质大学(武汉)] 涓?浗鍦拌川澶у?(姝︽眽)2003骞磋嫳璇?患鍚堜笓涓氳?鑰冪爺鐪熼?璇曞嵎
1. How much do you know about the author? 2. For what purpose does the poet repeat the word "rose"?2014-12-17 编辑:Frances