[大连外国语大学] 大连外国语大学2004年英语语言学(语言学)专业课考研真题试卷
Answer the following questions. 1. Comment on the sentence "She was already half dead then" in terms of sense relations. 3. What is metathesis? Explain it with examples.2014-05-21 编辑:max
[大连外国语大学] 大连外国语大学2003年英语语言学(语言学)专业课考研真题试卷
1. Define ALLOPHONE wit an example. 2. What is assimilation?2014-05-21 编辑:max
[大连外国语大学] 大连外国语大学2003年英语语言文学(综合考试)专业课考研真题试卷
1. The terror of death came on the old man in spasms as it were. a. by accident b. unexpectedly c. all the time d. by fits 2. A thin wail came from the forest, alerting the shepherd and his do..2014-05-21 编辑:max