[洪恩朗文3L看听学英语第二册] VOA常速英语:海豹群在海上风力发电场享受盛宴(2014-07-24 PDF文本+mp3+
洪恩朗文3L看听学英语第二册 Lesson 25:It sounds terribleNarrator: Mother, father and the children are walking in the park. Sandy: Look! There’s a band. They are going to play some music. Sue: That ma2007-10-03 编辑:admin
[新东方英语口语] VOA慢速英语:牛奶农场的未来—挤奶机器人(2014-07-30 PDF文本+mp3+LR
新东方英语口语提高篇 Lesson 45:Giving Advice 提建议4501 Lesson Forty-five Giving Advice 提建议 Could you give me some advice for this interview? 能就这次面试给我一些建议吗? interview 采访、面试 job2007-10-05 编辑:admin
[新东方英语口语] VOA常速英语:美国大使称俄乌边境出现先进武器(2014-07-30 PDF文本+mp3+
新东方英语口语提高篇 Lesson 46:Country and Nationality国家与国籍4601 Lesson Forty-six Country and Nationality 国家与国籍 What‘s your nationality? Are you American? 你是什么国籍?你是美国籍吗? Are y2007-10-05 编辑:admin
[音乐咖啡厅] VOA常速英语:空客新飞机将采用3D打印金属零件(2014-07-25 PDF文本+mp3
[点击试听] Jaci Velasquez-Imagine me without you As long as stars shine down from heaven 直到星星不再從天堂那樣亮麗的閃爍 And the rivers run into the sea 直到小溪不再流進大海裏 Til th2007-10-03 编辑:admin
[美剧资讯] VOA慢速英语:埃博拉病毒在西非蔓延(2014-07-24 PDF文本+mp3+LRC字幕
美剧欣赏简介:加布丽尔和约翰的幽会被卡洛斯意料之外的回家而打断,约翰光着下身跳出窗外,在树篱的掩护下做出割草的样子。苏珊和其他几位主妇一起讨论玛丽收到的那封恐吓信,玛丽的丈夫保罗却对此毫不介意,他甚至2009-03-26 编辑:admin
[美剧资讯] VOA慢速英语:年轻的联合国儿童基金会亲善大使(2014-07-25 PDF文本+mp3+
美剧欣赏简介:苏珊和前夫卡尔大吵了一架,两人从屋内吵到屋外,而苏珊只裹了一条浴巾。加布丽尔和园丁约翰在客厅中幽会,却被邻居家找皮球的小女孩看见。几位朋友的家庭聚会上,雷克斯透露的准备离婚的消息震惊了所2009-03-27 编辑:admin
[美剧资讯] VOA常速英语:美国大使呼吁LGBT权利(2014-07-24 PDF文本+mp3+LRC
美剧欣赏简介:丽奈特调皮的双胞胎儿子用油漆把同学刷成蓝色,学校威胁要开除他们,除非丽奈特能控制他们的行为。四个朋友一起聆听了玛丽-爱丽丝的录音带,玛丽透露自己原名叫安吉拉,并一直受着噩梦的折磨。苏珊面2009-03-30 编辑:admin
[安徒生童话故事] VOA常速英语:美国认为导弹来自分裂分子控制地区(2014-07-25 PDF文本+mp3
THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHESMany years ago, there was an Emperor, who was so excessively fond of newclothes, that he spent all his money in dress. He did not trouble himself inthe least about his ..2007-10-04 编辑:admin
[洪恩朗文3L看听学英语第二册] CNN常速英语:谷歌眼镜再惹争议 戴着它开车或许违法(2014-07-25 PDF文本+m
洪恩朗文3L看听学英语第二册 Lesson 27:A funny cakeNarrator: Professor Boffin is going to bake a cake, but he can’t find any flour. Narrator: He goes and gets a big bag from the store-room. Professor:2007-10-03 编辑:admin
[安徒生童话故事] CNN常速英语:奥巴马总统呼吁提高最低工资标准(2014-07-28 PDF文本+mp3+
THE REAL PRINCESSThere was once a Prince who wished to marry a Princess; but then she must be areal Princess. He travelled all over the world in hopes of finding such alady; but there was always some2007-10-04 编辑:admin
[安徒生童话故事] VOA常速英语:以色列和哈马斯之间必须达成停火协议(2014-07-28 PDF文本+mp
THE SHOES OF FORTUNE (注:中英译文有出入)I. A BeginningEvery author has some peculiarity in his descriptions or in his style ofwriting. Those who do not like him, magnify it, shrug up their shoulde2007-10-04 编辑:admin
[洪恩朗文3L看听学英语第一册] CNN双语新闻:黑客利用无人机或将截获智能手机数据(2014-07-22 PDF文本+mp
洪恩朗文3L看听学英语第一册 Lesson 111:A holidayLesson 111 A holiday It is seven o'clock. Sandy and Sue usually get up early every day, but today it is a holiday. It is a quarter to nine. Sandy and S2007-10-03 编辑:admin
[洪恩朗文3L看听学英语第二册] VOA常速英语:美国国家航空航天局寻找类地行星(2014-07-23 PDF文本+mp3+
洪恩朗文3L看听学英语第二册 Lesson 7:Please pay attentionRevision Lesson 7 Please pay attention! Narrator: Miss Grant is Sandy's new teacher. She is giving her class a lesson. Narrator: But Sandy isn2007-10-03 编辑:admin
[洪恩朗文3L看听学英语第二册] VOA慢速英语:泰国结束对大米价格的补贴(2014-07-23 PDF文本+mp3+LRC
洪恩朗文3L看听学英语第二册 Lesson 9:Can you tell us the wayRevison Lesson 9 Can you tell us the way? Mother: We don’t know the way to Station Road. Father: Let’s ask that man. Father: Excuse me! Ca2007-10-03 编辑:admin
[洪恩朗文3L看听学英语第二册] VOA常速英语:克里指责哈马斯和乌克兰境内亲俄叛军(2014-07-23 PDF文本+mp
洪恩朗文3L看听学英语第二册 Lesson 11:Professor BoffinRevision Lesson 11 Professor Boffin Professor Boffin lives opposite the Clarks. He is a very clever man, but he never remembers little things. The2007-10-03 编辑:admin
[2007年10月VOA慢速英语] CNN常速英语:美国职业棒球大联盟应对球员冲撞受伤问题(2014-08-06 PDF文本+
This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.(SOUND)LlamasWhen Americans think of where coyotes live, they probably think of desert states in the Southwest like Arizona. But over time, these wi2007-10-09 编辑:admin
[2007年10月VOA常速英语] VOA常速英语:东盟部长讨论焦点政治问题(2014-08-06 PDF文本+mp3+LRC
The Asian Development Bank says Asia and the Pacific are behind in meeting certain parts the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals. A new report by the ADB and the U.N. Development Progr..2007-10-09 编辑:admin
[大学生校园英语口语] VOA慢速英语:鱼类产量需翻倍以满足全球需求(2014-08-06 PDF文本+mp3+L
简介:大学校园不仅是大学生学习的天堂,更是塑造自我,展示自我个性的大舞台。当代的中国大学生更是与世界最新潮流最接近的一个特殊群体,他们朝气蓬勃、求知欲强,有自己独特的见解,有着五彩缤纷的大学生活。《大2007-10-10 编辑:admin
[大学生校园英语口语] VOA常速英语:美国小银行帮助失业者再就业(2014-08-06 PDF文本+mp3+LR
大学生校园英语口语 Unit1暂无文本推荐专题:新东方商务口语 英语口语900句 商务英语300句2007-10-10 编辑:admin
[安徒生童话故事] VOA慢速英语:欧洲考虑开发页岩气以摆脱对俄依赖(2014-07-26 PDF文本+mp3
THE LEAP-FROGA Flea, a Grasshopper, and a Leap-frog once wanted to see which could jumphighest; and they invited the whole world, and everybody else besides whochose to come to see the festival. Thre2007-10-04 编辑:admin