[2014年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻附字幕:美国环保局的新规定旨在减少温室气体的排放量
The new rules are some of the toughest ever made in the hopes of battling climate change. The EPA's Gina McCarthy saying power plants will have to cut carbon dioxide output by 30% by the year 20..2014-06-03 编辑:max
[PBS访谈环境系列] PBS高端访谈:美国环保局局长为白宫节能减排的计划摇旗呐喊
GWEN IFILL: From the night he was reelected, President Obama has made clear that cutting greenhouse gas emissions was a centerpiece of his second-term agenda.2014-06-05 编辑:max
[2015年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻:美国环保局失误致大量污水进入河流
阿尼玛斯河中这样呈现混浊橙色的污染水来自300万加仑金属物质的矿井水—远远超过原先估计的100万加仑。2015-08-11 编辑:mike
[关注社会] 环保组织威胁起诉美国环保局
环保组织正威胁要起诉美国环境监管部门,指控该机构未能尽到责任对付他们所称的美国页岩革命造成地震数量大幅增多的问题。2015-08-30 编辑:shaun
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):弗林特水危机测验的信息公开透明性仍有争议
Because of the Flint water crisis, the U.S. EPA wants more transparency about where the nation's lead lines are. Specifically, the EPA wants to know how many lead service lines there still are u..2016-04-08 编辑:liekkas