[可可英语口语] 口语104-全网最委屈最惨网红狗:被虐待扎针拔牙
今天在“宠物”栏目中,我们来聊聊“虐待动物事件”,Let's talk about “animal cruelty”in today’s program.2022-08-08 编辑:lulu
[可可英语口语] 口语105-秋天的第一杯奶茶竟然要52一杯?
今天在“二十四节气”栏目中,我们来聊聊“立秋”,Let's talk about “Start of Autumn”in today’s program.2022-08-09 编辑:lulu
[VOA慢速-健康报道] 为帮猫狗消暑, 日本推出宠物可穿戴电风扇
东京一家服装制造商与一名动物医生合作,为狗和猫等家养宠物设计了一款可穿戴的降温设备。2022-08-09 编辑:Magi
[热点资讯传送门] 浜氱壒鍏板ぇ鎷熺珛娉曢檺鍒跺疇鐗
在伦敦的英国国家美术馆,世界上最具标志性的画作之一即将变得面目全非。2022-10-19 编辑:max
[时事热搜榜] 今年"双11"呈现消费新趋势
优质产品惊人的折扣和交易量--每年的双11购物节,都是消费者以最优价格拿下他们最喜欢的商品的时候。2022-11-14 编辑:max
[VOA慢速-今日美国] 全球非法偷猎龟类活动激增
在美国、亚洲和欧洲,人们对宠物龟的需求不断增长,从而导致偷猎活动增加。2022-11-22 编辑:Magi
[可可英语晨读] 410期 美国纽约州将禁售宠物,以保护动物
Animal welfare advocates hail New York law banning sale of pets at retail stores Animal welfare advocates in New York are heralding the recent approval of a statewide law that prohibits the sale ..2023-01-03 编辑:wangyu
[可可英语晨读] 410期 美国纽约州将禁售宠物,以保护动物
Animal welfare advocates hail New York law banning sale of pets at retail stores Animal welfare advocates in New York are heralding the recent approval of a statewide law that prohibits the sale ..2023-01-03 编辑:wangyu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读676期|研究发现狗狗爱看短视频,它们真的看得懂吗?
Dogs watching videos could be key to better understanding their vision: study finds After a rough day, many people may unwind by watching their favourite shows with their dogs alongside. Yet w..2024-01-26 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读676期|研究发现狗狗爱看短视频,它们真的看得懂吗?
Dogs watching videos could be key to better understanding their vision: study finds After a rough day, many people may unwind by watching their favourite shows with their dogs alongside. Yet w..2024-01-26 编辑:kekechendu
[外刊精读] 320期|办公室养宠物的困境
在求职平台上,对"宠物友好型"办公室的搜索量激增。2024-11-04 编辑:Sara
[外刊精读] 332期|孤独的韩国人向小狗寻求陪伴
在这个充满不信任和孤独的时代,小狗向你展示了什么是无条件的爱。2024-12-02 编辑:Sara