[脑筋转转转] 脑筋转转转 第135期:什么是言论自由?
上期留给大家的问题为: Can you explain what is free speech? 你能说说什么是言论自由吗? 下面给大家揭晓答案: Your talking on someone else’s phone. 用别人的电话打电话。2013-09-18 编辑:jenny
[脑筋转转转] 脑筋转转转 第137期:什么水果永远不会是单个的?
上期留给大家的问题为: What fruit is never found singly? 什么水果永远不会是单个的? 下面给大家揭晓答案: A pear. 是梨。2013-09-22 编辑:jenny
[脑筋转转转] 脑筋转转转 第134期:我手上的树是什么树?
上期留给大家的问题为: I have a tree in my hand.What kind of tree is it? 我的手上有棵树,是什么树? 下面给大家揭晓答案: It’s a palm. 是你的手掌。2013-09-16 编辑:jenny
[脑筋转转转] 脑筋转转转 第142期:为什么农夫是残酷的?
上期留给大家的问题为: Why are farmers cruel? 为什么农夫是残酷的? 下面给大家揭晓答案: They pull corns by the ears. 因为他们揪着玉米耳朵掰玉米。2013-10-02 编辑:jenny
[脑筋转转转] 脑筋转转转 第143期:为什么说婴儿像门铰链?
上期留给大家的问题为: Why are babies like hinges? 为什么说婴儿像门铰链? 下面给大家揭晓答案: Because they are things to adore. 因为他们是受宠爱的。2013-10-04 编辑:jenny
[脑筋转转转] 脑筋转转转 第144期:诗人写诗太快会怎么样?
上期留给大家的问题为: If a driver drives too fast he’ll get a ticket. What will happen to a Poet if he writes too fast? 司机如果车开得太快就会被罚款,那么诗人如果诗写得太快,会怎么样呢? 下面给大家揭晓答案: His poetic licence will be take..2013-10-06 编辑:jenny
[脑筋转转转] 脑筋转转转 第145期:空钱包为什么总是老样子?
上期留给大家的问题为: Why is an empty purse always the same? 空钱包为什么总是老样子? 下面给大家揭晓答案: There’s no change in it. 因为里面没有零钱。2013-10-10 编辑:jenny
[脑筋转转转] 脑筋转转转 第146期:小鸟为什么意见总是一致?
eg. How on earth did you fall out of the window. 你究竟是如何从窗户掉出去的。 They often fall out over some trifling matter. 他们常常因小事争吵。 As soon as the roll had been called, the leader told the men to fall ou..2013-10-15 编辑:jenny
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第4课:Childhood 3岁看老,你信不?(2)
J:Yeah, they are. Hey, look over there,it looks like one of the boys is bullying the other kids. G:They're just being kid(玩笑),relax.2013-10-18 编辑:mike
[美容时尚英语] 轻松品质生活 享受自制浴盐泡泡浴(视频+文本)
自己制作浴盐,为沐浴时间增加一些乐趣。如果想把制作的浴盐作为礼物,可以用彩色保鲜膜包装,然后系上缎带。2013-10-17 编辑:qihui
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第2课:中速美语,口语进阶 (1)
1. What are Xiao Gao's New Year resolutions? 2. What are Jingjing's New Year resolutions?3. What will Jingjing and Xiao Gao do tonight? Idioms for dialogue 1:2013-10-18 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第5课:开心四月不需要理由 (1)
G:So did you study for the test today? I was up all night studying for it,I hope I'll get a good grade. J:Test? What test? We didn't know we have a test today.2013-10-18 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第6课:开心四月不需要理由 (2)
G:What are you doing tonight? You should come to kick back with me and friends at bar. J:I would if I could,but I have to write my term paper.2013-10-18 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第3课:Childhood 3岁看老,你信不? (1)
G:Oh, these're just some pictures when I was youngster.It really brings back the good old days.J:Tell me, what kind of kids were you growing up?2013-10-18 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第7课:Happy 兔 Year (1)
1. How will Jing Jing celebrate the New Year? 2. Are Jing Jing's grandparent's good cooks?2013-10-21 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第8课:Happy 兔 Year (2)
1. Did Xiao Gao save a piece of apple pie for Jing Jing?2. What was Xiao Gao and his mother fussing about?2013-10-21 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第10课:恭喜发财(2)
1. How will Jing Jing celebrate the New Year? 2. Are Jing Jing's grandparent's good cooks?2013-10-21 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第11课:元宵快乐(1)
G: Hi, Jingjing, I`ve had a really good time during this Spring Festival in Beijing. I`m so sad that`s coming to an end.2013-10-21 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第9课:恭喜发财(1)
jingjing: Hey, xiao gao, What's the matter? You look a little down. xiaogao: Yeah, I just bought a new cell phone. Now , I don't have a bean to rub together.2013-10-21 编辑:mike
[健康幸福] 轻松减肥 不需抗拒美味佳肴诱惑(视频+文本)
避免碳水化合物导致你不敢享用最喜欢的大餐?根据以下建议,合理地把最喜欢的美食纳入减肥工程。2013-10-21 编辑:qihui