[热点资讯传送门] 离婚一年后 比尔·盖茨承认对婚姻不忠
亿万富翁比尔·盖茨在《今日秀》上谈到了自己的私人问题。2022-05-04 编辑:max
[时事热搜榜] 董子健孙怡官宣离婚 将共同抚养孩子
今年29岁的孙怡、28岁的董子健,于2016年公布恋情,并于2017年结婚。2022-08-11 编辑:max
[可可英语晨读] 458期|“世界第一超模”吉娘娘谈离婚:梦想破灭
Gisele Bundchen says Tom Brady divorce was 'death of my dream' Model Gisele Bundchen has opened up on her divorce from NFL player Tom Brady, describing it as "the death of my dream..2023-03-27 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 458期|“世界第一超模”吉娘娘谈离婚:梦想破灭
Gisele Bundchen says Tom Brady divorce was 'death of my dream' Model Gisele Bundchen has opened up on her divorce from NFL player Tom Brady, describing it as "the death of my dream..2023-03-27 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 492期|芬兰最年轻女总理宣布离婚
Finland’s prime minister Sanna Marin files for divorce Finland’s prime minister, Sanna Marin, has filed for divorce jointly with her husband of three years, Markus Raikkonen, they said on Instagr..2023-05-12 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 492期|芬兰最年轻女总理宣布离婚
Finland’s prime minister Sanna Marin files for divorce Finland’s prime minister, Sanna Marin, has filed for divorce jointly with her husband of three years, Markus Raikkonen, they said on Instagr..2023-05-12 编辑:kekechendu
[时事热搜榜] 芬兰女总理马林宣布离婚
在与丈夫结婚19年后,芬兰总理桑娜·马林选择离婚2023-05-05 编辑:max
[可可英语晨读] 549期|林志玲回应传闻:没有家暴,只有抱抱
Domestic Violence Due to Infertility After Marriage: Lin Chiling Finally Addresses Speculations Since Lin Chiling's marriage four years ago, there have been numerous speculations and unfounde..2023-08-01 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 549期|林志玲回应传闻:没有家暴,只有抱抱
Domestic Violence Due to Infertility After Marriage: Lin Chiling Finally Addresses Speculations Since Lin Chiling's marriage four years ago, there have been numerous speculations and unfounde..2023-08-02 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语口语] 口语320期-汪峰章子怡官宣离婚,35亿家产怎么分?
10月23日,章子怡汪峰在微博上官宣离婚,吸引了大量网友吃瓜。终于上了头条的汪峰第四次离婚,很多人质疑问题在他,而对于章子怡,网友更多是祝福,希望她能好好专注于事业。此前,赵本山弟子刘一飞在直播时爆料,两人财产金额高达35亿元人民币,汪峰拿到28亿,章子怡只分到7亿。也有知情人透露,两人的个人财产归个人。传闻归传闻,具体怎么分,只有当事人清楚。吃瓜的同时,我们再来学学如何用英语聊“吃瓜”。2023-10-25 编辑:lulu
[时事热搜榜] 这回上头条了! 章子怡汪峰官宣离婚
章子怡和汪峰于昨日宣布离婚。两位明星共同发表了一份声明。2023-10-26 编辑:max
[时事热搜榜] 结婚仅3月 羽生结弦宣布离婚
日前,日本退役花样滑冰明星羽生结弦宣布与妻子离婚2023-11-24 编辑:max
[可可英语晨读] 晨读849期 | 顶流侃爷与妻子疑似分手,女方因穿着暴露意见不合?
Kanye West and Bianca Censori’s marriage is ‘on the rocks’ Kanye West and Bianca Censori’s marriage is in trouble and its future is uncertain. The couple have told friends that they split a few w..2024-10-09 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读849期 | 顶流侃爷与妻子疑似分手,女方因穿着暴露意见不合?
Kanye West and Bianca Censori’s marriage is ‘on the rocks’ Kanye West and Bianca Censori’s marriage is in trouble and its future is uncertain. The couple have told friends that they split a few w..2024-10-09 编辑:kekechendu