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Severity: Notice

Message: Memcache::connect(): Server (tcp 11211, udp 0) failed with: Connection refused (111)

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Line Number: 28

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Severity: Warning

Message: Memcache::connect(): Can't connect to, Connection refused (111)

Filename: libraries/Cache_file.php

Line Number: 28

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  • [娱乐新闻] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓

    All eyes are on Kate Middleton as she often shows off new outfits.每次凯特王妃亮相公开场合时,身上的新着装总能吸引民众的注意。

    2016-06-21 编辑:clover

  • [娱乐新闻] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓

    David and Victoria Beckham's sons, Romeo and Brooklyn, seem to be following in their parents fashion footsteps.贝克汉姆和维多利亚的爱子罗密欧和布鲁克林似乎是要紧跟父母的时尚步伐。

    2016-06-20 编辑:clover

  • [娱乐新闻] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓

    Suddenly with summer upon us, stars like Karlie Kloss , Olivia Wilde and even a few Real Housewives have been spotted out sporting one of the world's most precious metals...on their face.不知不觉夏天到..

    2016-06-17 编辑:clover

  • [娱乐新闻] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓

    Over the past few years Khloe Kardashian has had high-profile relationships with Lamar Odom, French Montana and James Harden.过去几年间,科勒卡戴珊与拉玛尔·奥多姆、 French Montana以及詹姆斯·哈登的恋情一直备受瞩目。

    2016-06-16 编辑:clover

  • [娱乐新闻] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓

    Pop star Taylor Swift is known for always looking glamorous in anything she wears and now we know that means work out clothes as well!众所周知,泰勒斯威夫特无论穿什么都那么光彩照人,就算是穿工作服也依然魅力不减。

    2016-06-15 编辑:clover

  • [娱乐新闻] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓

    The since-deleted message featured a photo of Carter and the message, "In a world of Kardashians, be Helena Bonham Carter."这条被删除的Instagram原本po了一张卡特的美照,上面配文:(在卡戴珊式的世界里,做你自己)

    2016-06-14 编辑:clover

  • [娱乐新闻] 每日新闻一分钟:马特达蒙的谍影重重

    The upcoming arrival of the fifth installment in Universal's Bourne franchisee Jason Bourne will be relased soon.围绕杰森伯恩展开的第五部《谍影重重》即将上映。

    2016-07-27 编辑:Daisy

  • [娱乐新闻] 每日新闻一分钟:基因人皮制作手提包

    Gorjanc used one of McQueen's own hairs, from the labels of his first collection.延奇使用了麦昆第一批收藏中他自己的头发标本。

    2016-07-26 编辑:Daisy

  • [娱乐新闻] 每日新闻一分钟:贾斯汀比伯与粉丝起冲突

    Justin Bieber can't seem to stay on good terms with his own fans.贾斯汀比伯似乎不能与他的粉丝们保持良好关系。

    2016-07-22 编辑:Daisy

  • [娱乐新闻] 每日新闻一分钟:泰勒与汤姆再秀恩爱

    Taylor Swift has now met Tom Hiddleston's Avengers pals.泰勒斯威夫特已经见过汤姆希德勒斯顿的《复仇者联盟》搭档了。

    2016-07-20 编辑:Daisy

  • [娱乐新闻] 每日新闻一分钟:Lady Gaga首获驾照遭警察拦车

    Lady Gaga recently obtained her first driver's license at age 30.嘎嘎小姐最近在30岁之际拿到了她的第一个驾照。

    2016-07-18 编辑:Daisy

  • [娱乐新闻] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓

    So long, rainbow bagel, make room for rainbow grilled cheese!彩虹甜甜圈要为彩虹奶酪三明治让位啦!

    2016-05-03 编辑:clover

  • [娱乐新闻] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓

    Apparently, his foot accidentally pressed the throttle and not the break.让人无语的是,这次事故是新郎错把油门当刹车所致。

    2016-04-29 编辑:clover

  • [娱乐新闻] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓

    So, you're addicted to gel manicures.最近沉迷于凝胶美甲中不可自拔。

    2016-04-28 编辑:clover

  • [娱乐新闻] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓

    Every birthday girl needs to pose for photos on her special day.每个女孩过生日都会在这一特殊的日子拍照纪念。

    2016-04-27 编辑:clover

  • [娱乐新闻] 每日新闻一分钟:除了音乐 你可知道泰勒为什么红?

    Kim Kardashian recently took to twitter to come at Swift's character.金卡戴珊最近在推特上抨击斯威夫特的人品。

    2016-07-28 编辑:Daisy

  • [娱乐新闻] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓

    During his time as a writer, Shakespeare created over 1,700 new words and phrases.在莎士比亚的写作生涯中,他共创作出1700多个单词和短语。

    2016-04-26 编辑:clover

  • [娱乐新闻] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓

    Today Comicbook.com published an article and photo spread of a cool new Cosplay Spider-Woman outfit今日漫画网站公布了一篇关于蜘蛛女侠的文章及一组照片。

    2016-04-25 编辑:clover

  • [娱乐新闻] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓

    eHarmony has created a compatibility quiz that tells users who their ideal superhero match is,美国eHarmony网站最近做了一次关于“谁是你心目中的超级英雄”问卷调查,

    2016-04-18 编辑:clover

  • [娱乐新闻] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓

    According to recently polled pilots and flight attendants the airport in Singapore is the most popular.新加坡机场被空姐和空少们评为全球最受欢迎的机场。

    2016-04-15 编辑:clover