[VOA慢速-时事新闻] 美国加州现世界最长寿养殖鱼
位于旧金山的加州科学院认为它的水族馆里有世界上最长寿的活体养殖鱼。2022-01-30 编辑:Magi
[时事热搜榜] 全球最长寿老人田中力子去世 享年119岁
全球最长寿老人田中力子于日前去世。2022-04-27 编辑:max
[可可英语晨读] 351期 最新发现:偶尔断食+热量控制=长寿?
Intermittent fasting plus calorie restriction could be the key to living longer, study in mice suggests Not only what we eat, but also when we eat it could play a role in how long we live, new re..2022-10-14 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 351期 最新发现:偶尔断食+热量控制=长寿?
Intermittent fasting plus calorie restriction could be the key to living longer, study in mice suggests Not only what we eat, but also when we eat it could play a role in how long we live, new re..2022-10-14 编辑:kekechendu
[时事热搜榜] 190岁! 全球最长寿乌龟庆祝生日!
这对小眼睛目睹了多年来的历史:帝国的兴衰,国王和女王,世界大战。2022-12-11 编辑:max
[可可英语晨读] 449期|世界上最年长的女性去世,活了3个世纪
Johanna Mazibuko: 'World's Oldest Woman' Dies at 128, Lived Through 3 Centuries One of the oldest people in the world, who lived in Jouberton, in South Africa, has died. The lady was..2023-03-13 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 449期|世界上最年长的女性去世,活了3个世纪
Johanna Mazibuko: 'World's Oldest Woman' Dies at 128, Lived Through 3 Centuries One of the oldest people in the world, who lived in Jouberton, in South Africa, has died. The lady was..2023-03-13 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 550期|世界上最长寿男性去世,享年127岁
‘World’s oldest man’ dead at 127: ‘He always liked to have a little drink’ A Brazilian purported to be the world’s oldest living man has died at the age of 127. Jose Paulino Gomes passed away Fri..2023-08-03 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 550期|世界上最长寿男性去世,享年127岁
‘World’s oldest man’ dead at 127: ‘He always liked to have a little drink’ A Brazilian purported to be the world’s oldest living man has died at the age of 127. Jose Paulino Gomes passed away Fri..2023-08-03 编辑:kekechendu
[热点资讯传送门] 世界最长寿狗狗去世 享年31岁
在庆祝自己31岁生日的几个月后,世界上最长寿的狗狗“博比”于日前不幸离世2023-10-29 编辑:max
[VOA慢速-健康报道] 秘鲁老人破迪士尼最长寿记录
秘鲁的安第斯山脉可能是有史以来最长寿的人的家乡--他活到了124岁。2024-04-29 编辑:Wendy
[外刊精读] 244期|意大利人的长寿之谜
意大利有世界上年龄最大的人口之一,其中包括许多个百岁老人群体,吸引了寻找青春之泉的研究人员。2024-05-10 编辑:Sara
[可可英语晨读] 晨读798期|最新发现:偶尔断食+热量控制=长寿?
Intermittent fasting plus calorie restriction could be the key to living longer, study in mice suggests Not only what we eat, but also when we eat it could play a role in how long we live, new re..2024-07-24 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读798期|最新发现:偶尔断食+热量控制=长寿?
Intermittent fasting plus calorie restriction could be the key to living longer, study in mice suggests Not only what we eat, but also when we eat it could play a role in how long we live, new re..2024-07-24 编辑:kekechendu
[热点资讯传送门] 世界最长寿奥运冠军去世 终年103岁
世界上最长寿的奥运会金牌得主于日前去世,享年103岁2025-01-06 编辑:max