[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第9期:一丘之貉:be tarred with the same brush
They’re all tarred with the same brush.他们都是一丘之貉。2014-07-21 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第10期:一帆风顺:go off without a hitch
Tbank you for your concern. It has gone off without a hitch so far.感谢你的关心。到目前为止一帆风顺。2014-07-22 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第11期:一字之差:the change of one word
Yes, I can. There is only the change of one word.好的,可以。它们只是一字之差。2014-07-23 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第8期:一叶知秋 The falling of one leaf heral
That’s because he knows well that the falling of one leaf heralds the autumn.那是因为他善于一叶知秋。2014-07-18 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第5期:一文不值 of no use whatsoever
It is simply of no use whatsoever.简直一文不值。2014-07-15 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第13期:一针见血:hit the right nail on the he
He hit the right nail on the head.一针见血2014-07-25 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第12期:一时兴起:by fits and snatches
It's my style. Actually,I do anything by fits and snatches.那是我的风格。事实上,我做任何事皆凭一时兴起。2014-07-24 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第4期:一五一十 in full detail
I will tell you what happened on us on the way in full detail.我要把途中碰见的事情一五一十地告诉你。2014-07-14 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第14期:一言为定:that's settled then
That's settled then.一言为定!2014-07-28 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第15期:一应俱全:everything needed is there.
As I know, everything needed is there.据我所知,诸事一应俱全。2014-07-29 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第16期:一张一弛:alternate tension with relax
Oh, dear! You should be alternate tension with relaxation.啊,天啊!你应该一张一弛。2014-07-30 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第1期:一了百了:get it over and done with
Yon may get it over and done with lest there(should) be any effect. 你可以将它一了百了,以免留下任何后遗症。2014-07-09 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第2期:一无所长:have no special skill
I feel I have no special skill. What can I do in the future?我觉得自己一无所长。我将来能做什么啊?2014-07-10 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第3期:一无所获:have gained nothing
I have gained nothing attending the lectures today.今天听课,我一无所获。2014-07-11 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第6期:一心一意:with undivided attention
Actually,he often works with undivided attention.事实上,他经常是一心一意地做事。2014-07-16 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第7期:一目了然:leap to the eye
Gee, it leaps to the eye. Need I explain it for you?咦,那一目了然。需要我为你解释吗?2014-07-17 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第17期:一纸空文
The new announcement is a mere scrap of paper in practice.新发布的公告实际上是一纸空文。2014-07-31 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第18期:一事无成
Regretfully, all have ended in smoke. 说来遗憾,一事无成。2014-08-01 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第20期:一败涂地
It bit the dust. 一败涂地。2014-08-05 编辑:liekkas
[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第19期:一鸣惊人
Swell! He did come as a bombshell. 棒极了!他的确一鸣惊人。2014-08-04 编辑:liekkas