[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[数学](2019年7月24日)
In the system of equations above, a is a positive constant. If the system is graphed in the xy-plane, which of the following best describes the two lines?2019-07-24 编辑:max
[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[写作](2019年7月19日)
Looming above passersby in Lisbon, Portugal, a gigantic raccoon protrudes from the side of a building.2019-07-19 编辑:max
[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[数学](2019年7月26日)
Yves goes apple picking at an apple orchard. The apple orchard charges $8.50 per hour, during which a customer is allowed to pick as many apples as possible.2019-07-26 编辑:max
[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[写作](2019年8月16日)
The song opens with three drummers tapping their panderos. The largest of the panderos -- a hand drum called the seguidor -- provides the pulse of the music.2019-08-16 编辑:max
[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[数学](2019年8月5日)
A circle in the x y-plane has its center at (-100,221) and a diameter of 17. Which of the following is an equation of the circle?2019-08-05 编辑:max
[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[写作](2019年7月25日)
Ghosts, haunted houses, ancestral curses -- these common tropes of Gothic literature might lead some readers to dismiss the genre as one better suited for entertainment than it is serious literary s..2019-07-25 编辑:max
[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[阅读](2019年8月22日)
Alyosha had been struck by Katerina Ivanovna's beauty when, three weeks before, Dmitri had first brought him, at Katerina Ivanovna's special request, to be introduced to her.2019-08-22 编辑:max
[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[阅读](2019年8月14日)
Alyosha had been struck by Katerina Ivanovna's beauty when, three weeks before, Dmitri had first brought him, at Katerina Ivanovna's special request, to be introduced to her.2019-08-14 编辑:max
[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[数学](2019年8月9日)
The number of data objects stored in a company's "cloud" increased at a rate of 190 % per year for 5 years.2019-08-09 编辑:max
[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[数学](2019年7月22日)
While driving from Orlando, Florida, to Tampa, Florida, a family travels 4 miles in 5 minutes.2019-07-22 编辑:max
[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[阅读](2019年8月30日)
The benefits of humor as an individual coping mechanism and a social lubricant are well established.2019-08-30 编辑:max
[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[数学](2019年8月27日)
A survey of a random sample of 12000 adults in the US home-buying market finds that 97% of those surveyed recognized a certain real estate brand name.2019-08-27 编辑:max
[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[数学](2019年9月9日)
What is the solution, rounded to the nearest tenth, to the equation above?2019-09-09 编辑:max
[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[数学](2019年8月15日)
Black-footed ferrets are the only ferret species native to North America, but they were nearly extinct in the 1970s.2019-08-15 编辑:max
[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[数学](2019年8月23日)
A biologist conducts a study regarding an invasive species, the Gupta fly, in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil.2019-08-23 编辑:max
[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[数学](2019年9月4日)
Scarlett is studying the neurology of mice.2019-09-04 编辑:max
[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[写作](2019年8月28日)
To show how a common desk fan cools a person, Rhett Allain, a physics professor and writer for Wired magazine, performed a simple experiment.2019-08-28 编辑:max
[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[阅读](2019年9月3日)
The benefits of humor as an individual coping mechanism and a social lubricant are well established.2019-09-03 编辑:max
[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[写作](2019年9月10日)
In 1979, the mayor of Birmingham, Alabama, charged a committee with envisioning a museum where people could learn about the city's rich history in the civil rights movement.2019-09-10 编辑:max
[SAT每日一题] SAT官方每日一题附答案和解析[阅读](2019年9月12日)
The benefits of humor as an individual coping mechanism and a social lubricant are well established.2019-09-12 编辑:max