[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+解析+MP3+原文) :第41期
M: Hello. W: Hello, welcome to "Advice"radio program. What’s your name?M: Jim.W: What’s your problem?2014-09-10 编辑:alice
[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+解析+MP3+原文) :第42期
W: Good morning. How can I help you?M: I understand that the schoolorganizes...umm, trips to different..W: Yes, we run five every month: threeduring weekends and two Wednesday afternoon trips.2014-09-11 编辑:alice
[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+解析+MP3+原文) :第43期
M: Is that a map? Are you going sailing orsomething?W: I wish. It’s a hurricane-tracking chart.It’s a map of tropical ocean areas southeast of us. It follows the developmentof tropical storms, even ..2014-09-12 编辑:alice
[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+解析+MP3+原文) :第44期
M: I am so relieved, I just finished thestory I was working on for our creative writing course.W: I haven’t quite finished mine yet. I hadtrouble getting past the beginning.2014-09-13 编辑:alice
[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+解析+MP3+原文) :第46期
M: Hello.W: Oh, hello. You must be a new student.Did you find it OK?M: Well, I got a bit lost because I asked astranger. But I got it eventually.2014-09-15 编辑:alice
[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+解析+MP3+原文) :第45期
M:Yael, what’s that inyour hand?W:Come on, Don. Haven’tyou seen a cigarette before? Every day in the United States,about 1,500girls begin smoking, and I figured, why not do my share?2014-09-14 编辑:alice
[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+MP3+原文) :第47期
W: Bob, do you know who I saw the otherday? Old Jake, looking terribly depressed. Did he get pensioned off at last?M: Yes. They made him retire after 50 yearsat sea. He is pretty upset about it, but..2014-09-16 编辑:alice
[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+MP3+原文) :第48期
W: Hello, Mr. Summerfield. How are youtoday?M: Very well. Thank you, Ms. Green.W: What can I do for you?2014-09-17 编辑:alice
[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+解析+MP3+原文) :第49期
W: Gosh! Have you seen this Richard?M: Seeing what?W: In the paper, it says there’s a mangoing round pretending he’s from the electricity board. He’s been calling atpeople’s homes2014-09-18 编辑:alice
[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+解析+MP3+原文) :第50期
M: Miss Jones, could you tell me more aboutyour first job with hotel marketing concepts?W: Yes certainly. I was a marketingconsultant, responsible for marketing ten UK hotels. They were all luxuryho..2014-09-19 编辑:alice
[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+MP3+原文) :第51期
M: Mary, I hope you're packed and ready toleave.W: Yes, I’m packed, but not quite ready. Ican’t find my passport.2014-09-20 编辑:alice
[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+解析+MP3+原文) :第52期
W: Gosh! Have you seen this Richard?M: Seeing what?W: In the paper, it says there’s a mangoing round pretending he’s from the electricity board. He’s been calling atpeople’s homes, saying he’s come ..2014-09-21 编辑:alice
[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+解析+MP3+原文) :第53期
M: Miss Jones, could you tell me more aboutyour first job with hotel marketing concepts?W: Yes certainly. I was a marketingconsultant, responsible for marketing ten UK hotels. They were all luxuryho..2014-09-22 编辑:alice
[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+MP3+原文) :第17期
W: What are you going to have?M: I have no idea. Could you help me withthe menu?W: Yes, sure. These are starters, and thereare main courses and these are desserts. See?2014-08-17 编辑:alice
[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+MP3+原文) :第18期
W: What are you going to have?M: I have no idea. Could you help me withthe menu?W: Yes, sure. These are starters, and thereare main courses and these are desserts. See?2014-08-18 编辑:alice
[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+解析+MP3+原文) :第20期
W: [19]Hey Neal,now that the midterms are over a bunch of us are getting away for the weekendto go canoeing. You want to come along?M: Well, uhm, it'dbe great to get away, but I've never don..2014-08-20 编辑:alice
[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+解析+MP3+原文) :第19期
W: [19]Hey Neal,now that the midterms are over a bunch of us are getting away for the weekendto go canoeing. You want to come along?M: Well, uhm, it'dbe great to get away, but I've never don..2014-08-19 编辑:alice
[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+解析+MP3+原文) :第16期
W: So, why exactly does your job have areputation for being stressful?M: Stress is generally driven by thefeeling of being out of control of a situation, and the feeling of a situationcontrolling yo..2014-08-16 编辑:alice
[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+解析+MP3+原文) :第15期
W: Hello, Parkson college. May I help you?M: Yes. I'm looking for information oncourses in computer programming. I would need it for the fourth semester.2014-08-15 编辑:alice
[英语四级听力长对话模拟题] 英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+解析+MP3+原文) :第21期
M: Hi, Shelley. Come on in.W: Uh, yeah, I stopped by to see if youwere still looking for a roommate to share your house.2014-08-21 编辑:alice