[SAT每日一题] SAT官方网站每日一题系列(245)
Part or all of the following sentence is underlined; beneath the sentence are five ways of phrasing the underlined material. Select the option that produces the best sentence.2013-05-09 编辑:melody
[SAT语法辅导] SAT词汇小研究(1):abandon
讲到单词,现在的学生都很惧怕。这当然不是说像中产阶级畏惧CPI的高居不下所引发的失望与不解,学生们对于单词,总之就是,看之心烦,但还得强颜欢笑地来面对它们。从学生时期走来一路到现在讲解单词,2013-05-09 编辑:melody
[SAT语法辅导] SAT词汇小研究(2):abstract
今天就着上一篇来讲,首先说说abstract这个词,上一篇稍微提了一下,它的意思是 adj.抽象的,n.摘要这个词比较好记,只要记住前面的abs-作为单词前缀是表示“离开”的意思,有很多单词都有这个“abs-”2013-05-10 编辑:melody
[SAT语法辅导] SAT词汇小研究(3):access
Access,神一样的单词,在考试中出现频率不是一般的高啊,还有它分支出来的衍生词,像accessible,inaccessible,还有各种-cess 的词汇…淡定。首先,access我们来割离一下,左面的ac-右面的cess,这就是先分割,2013-05-13 编辑:melody
[SAT动态] 2013年SAT香港考场新规
在香港SAT考场参加考试的时候,一定要掌握考场规则,把所有的时间和精力都投入到答题的过程中,尽量避免多次参加考试。2013-05-09 编辑:melody
[SAT语法辅导] SAT语法三大题型15大考点介绍
在SAT语法考试的三大题型都有各自考察的侧重点,大家在备考这些题型的时候,需要更加的详尽。下面小编就为大家整理了在这三大题型中都适用的SAT语法考点的内容,共15个,大家一起来看看详细内容吧。2013-05-09 编辑:melody
[SAT写作辅导] 主题是SAT阅读高分的灵魂
SAT阅读考试中的文章阅读,共包含3篇独立长文章、1组长对比文章、2篇独立短文章和1组对比短文章,共5篇独立文章和两组对比文章。2013-05-09 编辑:melody
[SAT写作范文] SAT写作范文:英雄会被忘却吗?
Time has a doomsday book, on whose pages he is continually recording illustrious names. But as often as a new name is written there, an old one disappears. Only a few stand in2013-05-09 编辑:melody
[SAT语法训练] 6道SAT句子改错练习题(3)
下面为大家整理的是关于SAT语法句子改错练习题,共6道。SAT语法句子改错题目要求考生在语法知识和逻辑思维能力两个方面都有所掌握,所以需要大量的练习。下面大家就和小编一起来看看这些题目的详细内容吧。2013-05-10 编辑:melody
[SAT语法辅导] SAT词汇小研究(4):accurate
上次我们说单词的时候,说道了-cess作词跟表示走的意思,今天我们来看看其他的单词词根是不是也有像-cess这样单词的神一样的魄力呢。这次首先粉墨登场的就是一个叫做accurate的单词。它作为形容词的意思,是准确的,精确的。2013-05-14 编辑:melody
[SAT语法辅导] SAT词汇小研究(5):achieve
先来侃侃achieve这个词。一看很简单,就是a+chieve啊。但是意思就不理解了。么叫chieve?不知道的同学来看看它变身的模样—chief。这“f”和“v”怎么还互换呢?事实上,那“f”“v”就是一样的。你发“f”的音,上牙咬下嘴唇[f];2013-05-15 编辑:melody
[SAT语法辅导] SAT词汇小研究(6):acknowledge
上次我们说到了achievement和accomplishment相互记忆,今天我就继续往下漫谈我们的单词。就从acknowledge这个词说起吧。这个词的意思是,动词,承认,致谢。打眼一看我们就能分辨出来单词里面一个很2013-05-16 编辑:melody
[SAT语法辅导] SAT词汇小研究(7):know
上次我们说到了know这个单词在词源学以及造词的角度是如何犀利地变化成gnor和cogn的。今天我接着上次的尾巴继续跟大家说。2013-05-17 编辑:melody
[SAT语法辅导] SAT词汇小研究(8):acquire
上一次我们讲解了一下NB的单词“know”是如何变成的各种类别的单词,像gnor,cogn-,not-,或是quaint-。今天我们来继续跟着单词的脚步来进一步往下了解他们。2013-05-20 编辑:melody
[SAT写作范文] SAT作文素材分享4:Spacewoman Stuck in Orbit with Too
Peggy Whitson, the American astronaut spending her 130th day in space, said on Sunday that she was happy in orbit, but maybe she brought along too much shrimp.2013-05-10 编辑:melody
[SAT写作范文] SAT作文素材分享5:Professor Popsicle' Proves Col
During a cold stretch that had many Canadians scurrying indoors, a researcher known as "Professor Popsicle" has found humans can successfully spend days on end in the bitter cold.2013-05-14 编辑:melody
[SAT写作范文] SAT作文素材分享6:King of the World
Ronaldo Luiz Nazario de Lima was born on 22 September 1976 in a poor suburb of Rio de Janeiro. Like most of his childhood friends, Ronaldo began his soccer career playing barefoot in2013-05-15 编辑:melody
[SAT写作范文] SAT作文素材分享7:Hewitt: I Came, I Saw, I Conquered
Lleyton Hewitt was born in Adelaide, Australia on 24 February, 1981. His mother is a former champion netballer, his father is a league footballer, and his sister is already ranked number one in Aust..2013-05-16 编辑:melody
[SAT写作范文] SAT作文素材分享8:Briton who saved Jews remembered
A British agent who saved thousands of Jews from the Nazis is being remembered with a plaque being placed outside the British embassy in Berlin.2013-05-17 编辑:melody
[SAT写作范文] SAT作文素材分享9:The Firm Helen Keller
In 1882 a baby girl caught a fever that was so fierce she nearly died. She survived but the fever left its mark - she could no longer see or hear. Because she could not hear she also found it very ..2013-05-20 编辑:melody