[钓鱼岛真相纪录片] 钓鱼岛真相(Mp3+视频+双语字幕)第6期:日本以中国蓄意破坏为借口发起侵华战争(1)
Japanese imperialist ambitions steadily increased during 1920s,20世纪20年代 日本帝国主义野心继续膨胀2014-09-17 编辑:max
[钓鱼岛真相纪录片] 钓鱼岛真相(Mp3+视频+双语字幕)第10期:日本横扫南部,屠杀无数(1)
As Japan conquered more and more countries in Asia, 日本不断征服亚洲越来越多的国家2014-09-19 编辑:max
[钓鱼岛真相纪录片] 钓鱼岛真相(Mp3+视频+双语字幕)第11期:日本横扫南部,屠杀无数(2)
During the second Sino-Japanese war,抗日战争中2014-09-19 编辑:max
[钓鱼岛真相纪录片] 钓鱼岛真相(Mp3+视频+双语字幕)第12期:日本横扫南部,屠杀无数(3)
At the same time,同时 the Banka Island Massacre in Indonesia took place, 又发生了邦加岛屠杀2014-09-19 编辑:max
[钓鱼岛真相纪录片] 钓鱼岛真相(Mp3+视频+双语字幕)第4期:现代日本侵略开始(2)
The imperial, colonial nations alliance defeated the Boxer Uprising, 帝国殖民列强镇压了义和团起义2014-09-16 编辑:max
[钓鱼岛真相纪录片] 钓鱼岛真相(Mp3+视频+双语字幕)第5期:现代日本侵略开始(3)
But the continuous invasions by foreign imperial colonial powers in the 19th century 但是19世纪外国帝国之民列强的连年侵略2014-09-16 编辑:max
[钓鱼岛真相纪录片] 钓鱼岛真相(Mp3+视频+双语字幕)第7期:日本以中国蓄意破坏为借口发起侵华战争(2)
In 1937, the League of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland 1937年 联合国前身2014-09-17 编辑:max
[钓鱼岛真相纪录片] 钓鱼岛真相(Mp3+视频+双语字幕)第3期:现代日本侵略开始(1)
During the early Meiji Restoration era of the Imperial Japan 日本帝国明治维新时代2014-09-16 编辑:max