[英语六级听力对话每日一题] 英语六级听力对话每日一题 第8期
Q: why is Harry being invited to the party? A)Because he is the man’s friend.B)To make the woman wife.C)To please the man’s wife.D)To please Hurry.2014-07-30 编辑:alice
[英语六级听力对话每日一题] 英语六级听力对话每日一题 第9期
Q: How do the Tailors feel about children? A)They have two children already.B)Mrs. Taylor wishes to have children, but her husband doesn’t.C)They will start a family as soon as they get married.D)Th..2014-07-31 编辑:alice
[英语六级听力对话每日一题] 英语六级听力对话每日一题 第10期
Q: where does bob go to school now?A)Sebring High School.B)Clark High School.C)Melrose Community College.D)Enrold college.2014-08-01 编辑:alice
[英语六级听力对话每日一题] 英语六级听力对话每日一题 第3期
Q: Which of the following statements is true?A)He was talking in a newspaper advertisement.B)He was talking to a newspaper salesman.C)He was talking at a newspaper office.D)He was talking at a car d..2014-07-25 编辑:alice
[英语六级听力对话每日一题] 英语六级听力对话每日一题 第4期
Q. What did the man say about the lunches?A)It involved a few lunches.B)There were free lunches.C)There were three lunches.D)There are more than free lunches.2014-07-26 编辑:alice
[英语六级听力对话每日一题] 英语六级听力对话每日一题 第5期
Q: what do we learn about Mary?A)That Mary is going to Hawaii.B)That Mary has traveled all over the world.C)That Mary likes postcards.D)That Mary is going on vacation.2014-07-27 编辑:alice