[娱乐新闻] 周杰伦超话影响力破亿,这就是实力!
周杰伦高居微博超级话题榜榜首,超话影响力破亿!2019-07-23 编辑:Kelly
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第713期:周杰伦新单曲大火
Pop star Jay Chou has solidified his status as the king of Mandopop after his new single broke sales records and — quite literally — a Chinese streaming platform this week.2019-10-02 编辑:Vicki
[八点英语] 第65期 周杰伦Majito
周董的新歌Majito你们都听了吧~ 这首歌的MV是在古巴的首都Havana哈瓦那录制的,在周董拍旅游综艺《周游记》的时候就顺带录了MV,也是很周杰伦了。聊到Havana,瞬间就被另一首很经典的歌洗脑了……2020-08-25 编辑:Villa
[时事热搜榜] 近1亿人次观看周杰伦线上演唱会
在上周末,中国传奇歌手周杰伦的两场演唱会线上重映,获得了近1亿的观看量,创下了线上演唱会播放的记录。2022-05-26 编辑:max
[可可英语口语] 口语75-终于等到周杰伦!新专辑7月15日首发
今天在“娱乐”栏目中,我们来聊聊“周杰伦”,Let's talk about “Jay Chou ” in today’s program.2022-07-05 编辑:lulu
[大咖访谈集] 周杰伦:我相信艺术无界限
作为音乐人,作为魔术师,作为艺人--我相信艺术无界限。2022-07-12 编辑:Helen
[可可英语口语] 口语209-2022全球最帅最美面孔公布,肖战、王一博、迪丽热巴等上榜
国外电影网站 TC Candler 每年都会选出“全球最帅最美面孔”,今年这个榜单也在年底如期而至。榜单分为“帅哥”榜和“美女”榜,“帅哥”榜榜首的是前任“超人”扮演者,39岁的英国男星亨利·卡维尔(Henry Cavill),22岁的韩国男艺人黄铉辰和27岁的英国男星“甜茶”提莫西·查拉梅分别获得亚军和季军。中国男艺人上榜的有肖战、王鹤棣、张艺兴等。2022-12-31 编辑:lulu
[可可英语口语] 口语208-周杰伦演唱会翻车,网友:坐我腿上唱都嫌亏
前段时间,周杰伦在新加坡举办演唱会,歌迷满心期待,等待一场“天王回归”,没想到却收获一场《华语演出糊弄学教科书》——现场看似安排了各种魔术表演、让各种嘉宾助唱、让观众“大家一起来”,然而周老板自己却没唱几首,无数粉丝在社交平台上发帖吐槽。今天的口语节目我们就来学习如何表达对这种“敷衍”的不满吧。2022-12-29 编辑:lulu
[可可英语晨读] 463期|周杰伦《最伟大的作品》全球销量第一!
'King of Mandopop' Jay Chou reigns supreme with world's No. 1 album Chinese singer-songwriter Jay Chou’s album “Greatest Work of Art” was the bestselling album in the world for 2022...2023-04-03 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 463期|周杰伦《最伟大的作品》全球销量第一!
'King of Mandopop' Jay Chou reigns supreme with world's No. 1 album Chinese singer-songwriter Jay Chou’s album “Greatest Work of Art” was the bestselling album in the world for 2022...2023-04-03 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读601期|周杰伦上海演唱会前,黄牛集体退票!
Jay Chou's concert experienced a mass ticket refund by scalpers prior to the event According to reports, Jay Chou's Shanghai concert is set to kick off from the 12th to the 15th of this m..2023-10-13 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读601期|周杰伦上海演唱会前,黄牛集体退票!
Jay Chou's concert experienced a mass ticket refund by scalpers prior to the event According to reports, Jay Chou's Shanghai concert is set to kick off from the 12th to the 15th of this m..2023-10-13 编辑:kekechendu
[时事热搜榜] 周杰伦新歌《圣诞星》上线
近日,“华语流行音乐天王”周杰伦出人意料地发布了一首名为《圣诞星》的圣诞单曲,给所有歌迷带来了惊喜。2024-01-03 编辑:max
[可可英语晨读] 晨读737期|实力宠粉!周杰伦演唱会送淋雨女粉丝天价外套
'Can I give you my jacket?' Jay Chou shields lucky fan from heavy rain at Hangzhou concert She was drenched by the rain but her idol's kind gesture warmed her heart. One lucky fan ..2024-04-30 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读737期|实力宠粉!周杰伦演唱会送淋雨女粉丝天价外套
'Can I give you my jacket?' Jay Chou shields lucky fan from heavy rain at Hangzhou concert She was drenched by the rain but her idol's kind gesture warmed her heart. One lucky fan ..2024-04-30 编辑:kekechendu