[可可词汇课堂] 可可词汇课堂第317期:骗人的凿子
看不懂音变的筒子们请听203-206期 chisel novel chis-cis-cut chis-cheatA metal tool with a sharp beveled edge, used to cut and shape stone, wood, or metal.To shape or cut with a chisel.Informal. To che2011-12-23 编辑:mjusa
[每日商务英语] 每日商务英语 第20期:骗人的把戏
a fake-out 骗人的把戏英文释义 A trick intended to cheat or confuse例句 The dishonest young clerk tried a clever fake-out to cover his mistakes at work, but his boss noticed them anyway.这位不2012-07-03 编辑:kekenet
[27宜嫁] 听电影《27宜嫁》学英语第27期:蒂莎闪电结婚
原文欣赏Um, can I steal you away to tell you about George and me?过来听听我和乔治的事? Of course. Of course. That's why 2012-10-30 编辑:justdoit
[阅读经验] 商业书籍质量良莠不齐,教你识破里面骗人废话
商业建议类书籍的书评人总有汗牛充栋的资料供其研究。每每一本书递送至家门口时,它看上去总像是最后一本。所有的战略处方皆有全面的研究支持,每位作者似乎都具备令人敬畏的资质。出于两个原因,我们很难确定谁正在为相关讨论增添价值。2013-09-09 编辑:shaun