[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第11期:讽刺和反语的运用
William: Hello and welcome to How To, I'm William Kremer. 大家好,欢迎收听How to语言指南节目。我是William Kremer。2014-11-29 编辑:max
[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第12期:聊天跑题了怎么办?
Today I want to talk about how to get back on topic in conversations 今天我们来看看在聊天中(如果离题了)怎样重新回到话题中。2014-11-30 编辑:max
[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第13期:给下属提意见
Claire was showing Mark her design for a new website and he made some positive and negative comments about her work. Claire给Mark展示来她设计的新网页,Mark对其作品同时做出了肯定和否定的评价。2014-12-01 编辑:max
[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第14期:用英语聊八卦
In this programme we'll take a look at how to gossip; that is how to talk about other people's private lives. 本期节目与八卦有关,也就是怎样来聊聊别人的私生活。2014-12-02 编辑:max
[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第15期:用might还是用may?
Do I sound a little uncertain? - do I sound like I'm not sure if you're studying English? 我听起来是不是有点不确定呢?我并不确定你们正在学习英语。2014-12-03 编辑:max
[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第16期:正式场合打招呼
This programme is about greetings and the language you might use if you're greeting people in quite formal situations, when you want to sound polite.本节目跟打招呼有关。大家将接触到在正式场合,跟人打招呼时的礼貌用语。2014-12-04 编辑:max
[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第17期:朋友有难,该怎么办?
But if your friend has some very bad news - what's the best way for you to react? 但是,如果你的朋友发生了不好的事情,你的反应最好应该是什么呢?2014-12-05 编辑:max
[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第18期:有好消息告诉你
Perhaps you're a boss and you want to tell an employee they've been given a promotion. 也许你是一位老板,你想跟一位员工说要升他/她的职。2014-12-06 编辑:max
[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第19期:搭讪小窍门
Well, if you chat someone up you speak to somebody you don't know and you try to make them interested in you - in a romantic way!呃,搭讪就是指主动跟陌生人说话并且引起她/他的注意(当然是用浪漫的方式)。2014-12-07 编辑:max
[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第20期:提建议
In this programme, we're going to look at the language we use when we make suggestions.这一期的节目中,我们将讲解怎样用英语提意见。2014-12-08 编辑:max
[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第21期:接受道歉
In this programme, we look at how to reply when someone says sorry to you for something they've done wrong. 本期节目将学习怎样接受别人的道歉。2014-12-09 编辑:max
[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第22期:打完招呼之后的寒暄
In previous programmes, we've looked at how to greet people and introduce yourself, with phrases like, 'Hey, how are you?' and 'I'd like to introduce myself…'在之前的节目中,我们已经学习了如..2014-12-10 编辑:max
[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第25期:怎样预约时间
Coming up…some key words and phrases that are useful - whether we need to see a doctor, a dentist, a hairdresser, a lawyer or even a plumber. 接下来大家会听见一些实用的单词和短语——(在以下情况中可能用到)不管是去看医生,看牙医还是预约理发师,律师甚至是..2014-12-13 编辑:max
[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第26期:怎样问路和辨认方向
Our reporter Helen is new to London and has been out asking people for directions to various different places. 我们的记者Helen对伦敦还不是很熟,去很多地方都是靠问路。2014-12-14 编辑:max
[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第27期:怎样要求别人改变行为
Perhaps a flatmate or a colleague does something that annoys you. 也许是你的室友或是同事做了什么让你觉得很烦。2014-12-15 编辑:max
[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第28期:怎样表达意见一致
In this programme I want to look at how to agree with someone in a conversation. 本期节目我将带大家看看在谈话中怎样表达你跟别人的意见一致。2014-12-16 编辑:max
[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第29期:怎样自我介绍或介绍别人
In this programme, we'll look at what to say when you meet someone for the first time in formal contexts… how do you introduce yourself or other people in a polite way?在本期节目中,我们将说说在正式场合首次见面……怎么礼..2014-12-17 编辑:max
[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第30期:怎样约人
Now, in a previous episode we looked at how to chat someone up - that is, how to talk to someone you don't know in a way that might make that person interested in you… in a romantic way.在之前的某期节目..2014-12-18 编辑:max
[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第31期:怎样用英语道贺
Let's start today's programme with a piece of good news: I'm getting married next month! 节目开始,告诉大家一个好消息:我下个月要结婚啦!2014-12-19 编辑:max
[此情此景怎么说] 此情此景怎么说(MP3+双语字幕)第32期:怎样用英语道歉
In this programme, we look at different ways of saying sorry in everyday situations. 本期节目将详尽为大家介绍日常生活场景中道歉的不同方式。2014-12-20 编辑:max