[邵斌玄词汇宝典] 邵斌玄词汇宝典(MP3+文本) 第160期:firework 烟花
Fireworks explode during the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games at the National Stadium.2015-08-06 编辑:max
[邵斌玄词汇宝典] 邵斌玄词汇宝典(MP3+文本) 第163期:pitch 推销
This is about a sales pitch. It's not gonna won the law, it's gonna be won by the lawyers. So remember, poker faces.2015-08-17 编辑:max
[邵斌玄词汇宝典] 邵斌玄词汇宝典(MP3+文本) 第162期:illuminate 照亮
Lightning illuminates the sky behind a windmill along Kansas Highway 17 as storms move across the area.2015-08-14 编辑:max
[邵斌玄词汇宝典] 邵斌玄词汇宝典(MP3+文本) 第165期:focus 聚焦
I really couldn't tell you, sir. Um, I thought I saw someone fooling with the lamppost, but by the time I pulled focus, they were gone.2015-08-19 编辑:max
[邵斌玄词汇宝典] 邵斌玄词汇宝典(MP3+文本) 第166期:helmet 头盔
A pair of boots, a weapon and a helmet stand in tribute to a Marine Lance Cpl. as fellow Marines read responses to the litany led by a chaplain.2015-08-20 编辑:max
[邵斌玄词汇宝典] 邵斌玄词汇宝典(MP3+文本) 第167期:consume 吃掉
With its snake-like tongue, the monster examines the eggs to determine which it will eat. It will consume only part of the clutch, leaving the rest to hatch.2015-08-21 编辑:max
[邵斌玄词汇宝典] 邵斌玄词汇宝典(MP3+文本) 第168期:voice 声音
And should we win the day. The Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice we will not go quietly into the night.2015-08-24 编辑:max
[邵斌玄词汇宝典] 邵斌玄词汇宝典(MP3+文本) 第169期:spectacular 壮观的
So, Janie, how was school? It was okay. Just okay? No, Dad. It was spectacular.2015-08-25 编辑:max
[邵斌玄词汇宝典] 邵斌玄词汇宝典(MP3+文本) 第170期:vicious 恶毒的
Richard Kimble did in fact viciously ... attack ... and brutally murder his wife.2015-08-26 编辑:max
[邵斌玄词汇宝典] 邵斌玄词汇宝典(MP3+文本) 第171期:bitter 令人不快的
A lone skier makes his way down a shadowy trail during a beautiful, but bitterly cold afternoon.2015-08-28 编辑:max
[邵斌玄词汇宝典] 邵斌玄词汇宝典(MP3+文本) 第172期:hug 拥抱
An elderly Russian submariner hugs a girl at a naval base. 118 sailors died aboard the submarine Kursk, in a mysterious Bare(nts) Sea explosion, and relatives of the crew were taken to the site of t..2015-08-31 编辑:max