[名人英语演讲视频] 奥巴马总统每周电台演讲(2016年11月12日)(视频+文本)
Hi, everybody. This weekend, as we search for ways to bridge our differences, we look to the principles that are more enduring than politics.2016-11-23 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 加拿大总理特鲁多2016年国殇纪念日致辞(视频+文本)
Today, we pause to remember and honour the Canadian men and women who have served our country and fought for freedom around the world.2016-11-24 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 奥巴马总统2016年老兵节演讲(视频+文本)
Secretary McDonald, Mr. Hallinan, distinguished guests and, most of all, our extraordinary veterans and your families2016-11-29 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 威廉王子在第三届国际野生动物非法交易会议的演讲(视频+文本)
I want to start by thanking the Vietnamese government for its leadership in hosting this conference in Hanoi.2016-11-30 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 米歇尔·奥巴马在美国国家艺术人文青年活动奖颁奖仪式上的致辞(视频+文本)
Thank you all. Stop that! Oh, my goodness. All right, that's enough, that's enough. You guys, please. Thank you for that. Oh, my goodness. Now I'm embarrassed.2016-12-01 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 英国首相特雷莎·梅在2016年伦敦金融城市长晚宴上的演讲(视频+文本)
My Lord Mayor, My Late Lord Mayor, Your Grace, My Lord Chancellor, Your Excellencies, My Lords, Aldermen, Sheriffs, Chief Commoner, Ladies and Gentlemen,2016-12-02 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 奥巴马总统2016年感恩节讲话(视频+文本)
Hi, everybody. On behalf of the Obama family – Michelle, Malia, Sasha, Grandma, Bo, and Sunny – I want to wish you a very happy Thanksgiving.2016-12-05 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特朗普2016年感恩节讲话(视频+文本)
We are very blessed to call this nation our home. And that is what America is: it is our home.2016-12-06 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 奥巴马总统任内最后一次赦免火鸡仪式讲话(视频+文本)
Thank you so much, everybody. Please have a seat. Have a seat.2016-12-07 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 凯特王妃在Place2Be2016年度颁奖典礼上的讲话(视频+文本)
It is a great honour to be with you here this evening for these very special Place2Be Awards.2016-12-08 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 加拿大总理特鲁多在亚太经合组织秘鲁峰会的演讲(视频+文本)
I'd like to begin by thanking our hosts, President Kuczynski and the people of Peru, for such a warm welcome.2016-12-09 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 伊万卡·特朗普在特朗普国际酒店开业典礼上的演讲(视频+文本)
Hello, everyone. It's an honor to stand before you today and officially welcome you to Trump International Hotel and Tower, Washington D.C.2016-12-12 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 英国首相特雷莎·梅2016年世界艾滋病日致辞(视频+文本)
As Prime Minister, I am proud to wear a red ribbon on World Aids Day, to show my support for people living with HIV in the UK and all across the world.2016-12-13 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 希拉里在联合国儿童基金会2016年度"雪花"慈善舞会的演讲(视频+文本)
I am…I am so grateful to have this chance to be here to really celebrate UNICEF, which has such a powerful mission that you're supporting tonight.2016-12-14 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 奥巴马总统每周电台演讲(2016年12月3日)(视频+文本)
Hi, everybody. On the first day of my administration, I promised to restore science to its rightful place.2016-12-15 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 英国工党领袖杰里米·科尔宾2016年世界艾滋病日致辞(视频+文本)
World AIDS Day is a chance to reflect on how far we've come, but also how far we're still to go when it comes to our response to HIV in this country.2016-12-16 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 奥巴马总统在肯尼迪中心荣誉奖招待晚宴上的演讲(视频+文本)
Well, good evening, everybody. On behalf of Michelle and myself, welcome to the White House.2016-12-19 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 奥巴马总统每周电台演讲(2016年12月10日)(视频+文本)
Hi, everybody. It is the most wonderful time of the year – and not just because it's the holiday season, but because it's also open enrollment season over at HealthCare.gov.2016-12-20 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 英国首相特雷莎·梅在皇家海军"海洋号"攻击舰上的演讲(视频+文本)
This is a particularly special moment for me because it is my first time as Prime Minister on board a Royal Navy ship.2016-12-21 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特鲁多总理在与多伦多小学教师交流时的演讲(视频+文本)
Thanks to all of you for being here today, and thanks for inviting me to join you.2016-12-22 编辑:max