[名人英语演讲视频] 凯特王妃2017年Place2Be儿童心理健康周讲话(视频+文本)
Thank you so much for such a warm welcome. And it is such a treat to be here to support Children's Mental Health week.2017-03-01 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特朗普总统和特雷莎·梅首相联合记者会讲话(视频+文本)
Thank you very much. I am honored to have Prime Minister Theresa May here for our first official visit from a foreign leader. This is our first visit, so – great honor.2017-03-02 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特朗普总统每周电台演讲(2017年2月17日)(视频+文本)
We have taken major steps during the first few weeks of my Administration to remove wasteful regulations and get our people back to work.2017-03-06 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特朗普总统在视察麦克迪尔空军基地时的讲话(视频+文本)
Thank you very much. That's so nice. A lot of spirit. Great spirit for this country. Thank you, all. We have tremendous spirit and I want to thank you.2017-03-03 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特朗普总统在司法部长杰夫·塞申斯宣誓仪式上的讲话(视频+文本)
President Trump: Thank you very much, everybody, for being here today. It is with great pride, very great pride, that I say these words to you right now: Attorney General Jeff Sessions.2017-03-07 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特朗普总统和特鲁多总理联合记者会讲话(视频+文本)
Prime Minister Trudeau, on behalf of all Americans, I thank you for being with us today. It is my honor to host such a great friend, neighbor, and ally at the White House, a very special place.2017-03-09 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特雷莎·梅首相在达沃斯论坛2017年年会上的演讲(视频+文本)
Thank you, Professor Schwab, for that introduction, and thank you for inviting me to speak here at the World Economic Forum this morning.2017-03-08 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 美国国防部长马蒂斯第53届慕尼黑安全会议开幕致辞(视频+文本)
Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. And excellencies and colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon.2017-03-13 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特朗普总统在财政部长史蒂文·努钦宣誓仪式上的讲话(视频+文本)
It is my great honor tonight to present to the American people our new Treasury Secretary of the United States, Steven Mnuchin.2017-03-14 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特朗普总统每周电台演讲(2017年2月25日)(视频+文本)
As Black History Month 2017 comes to a close, I am very grateful for the many wonderful opportunities to honor African American heroes2017-03-15 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 加拿大总理特鲁多在欧洲议会的演讲(视频+文本)
Good morning. It is a privilege to be here today. I'm told that this marks the first address to the EU Parliament by a sitting Canadian Prime Minister, so thank you for allowing me this honour.2017-03-16 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特朗普总统首次国会演讲(视频+文本)
Thank you very much. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, the First Lady of the United States – – and citizens of America2017-03-17 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 加拿大总理特鲁多在汉堡马太宴会上的演讲(视频+文本)
It truly is an honour to be here. It's a privilege just to be invited to the St. Matthew's Day Banquet, and an even greater privilege to be one of your keynotes this evening2017-03-20 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特朗普总统在波音公司的演讲(视频+文本)
Remember we came down – all together, we came down, and this was going to be a place that was tough to win, and we won in a landslide.2017-03-21 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特雷莎·梅首相2017年圣大卫节唐宁街招待会致辞(视频+文本)
I am very pleased myself to be able to welcome you here to Number 10 Downing Street.2017-03-22 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 艾玛·斯通第89届奥斯卡金像奖获奖感言(视频+文本)
To the women in this category, Natalie, Isabelle, Meryl, Ruth, you were all so extraordinary and I look up to you and I admire you more than I can put into words.2017-03-24 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 加拿大总理特鲁多2017年国际妇女节致辞(视频+文本)
Sophie and I are proud feminists and are raising our daughter and our sons to believe that an equal world is a better and more powerful world.2017-03-27 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特朗普总统在视察福特号航母时的演讲(视频+文本)
Thank you. Thank you very much. What an honor. They just gave me this beautiful jacket. They said, here, Mr. President, please take this home.2017-03-28 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特朗普总统每周电台演讲(2017年3月10日)(视频+文本)
In March, we celebrate Women's History Month, honoring the countless contributions that women leaders, scientists, and entrepreneurs have made throughout American history.2017-03-29 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 安妮·海瑟薇2017年国际妇女节在联合国的演讲(视频+文本)
When I was a very young person, I began my career as an actress.2017-03-30 编辑:max