[留学资讯] 加拿大留学十大优势
在留学大众化、多选择的今天,加拿大留学越来越多的走进人们视线,也被越来越多的人所接受,加拿大为何如此受到追捧?下面 对加拿大的留学优势进行了分析。 加拿大非常重视教育,提倡发展一流的学校。加拿大2011-12-29 编辑:Amy
[留学资讯] 2012年新西兰留学11大优势
新西兰虽然是个面积不大的岛国,但近年来却一跃成为国内自费留学市场的新热点,与加拿大、澳洲并列成为留学市场的第二梯队。自从金融危机以来,留学热潮没减反而尽显高涨,随着金融危机带来新一轮留学契机,新西2012-01-29 编辑:Amy
[新概念英语第二册Flash版] 管理学:优势领导
新概念第二册Flash第30课-第1讲2007-01-28 编辑:admin
[留学资讯] 爱尔兰留学优势:高社会福利及低生活费
爱尔兰留学以其高品质社会福利及低廉生活费用改变了留学高消费标准。 1、爱尔兰是以英语作为第一语言的国家。 2、教育制度成熟,文凭形式多种多样,适于不同教育背景的求学者。采用ETS欧洲转学分体系,留2012-06-20 编辑:Amy
[留学资讯] 详解加拿大留学费用及优势
加拿大留学费用: 年花费(学费+生活费):12~14万/年(本科),14~18万/年(硕士)。 办理周期:4~6个月。 申请入学时间:1年三个学期(1月、5月及9月),招生季节分冬季、秋季两次入学。 ESL课程2012-06-27 编辑:Amy
[新闻热词] 热词学习:主场优势 Home Advantage
英国选手戴利在伦敦奥运男子10米跳台决赛中,第一跳发挥失常,但随后,他向裁判申诉,称观众席闪光灯影响了自己的空间判断,要求重跳,并获得批准。凭借这次机会,戴利获得了该项目的铜牌。请看相关报道:He said h2012-08-14 编辑:justxrh
[新闻热词] 跟可可学最新口语热词:主场优势
英国选手戴利在伦敦奥运男子10米跳台决赛中,第一跳发挥失常,但随后,他向裁判申诉,称观众席闪光灯影响了自己的空间判断,要求重跳,并获得批准。凭借这次机会,戴利获得了该项目的铜牌。请看相关报道:He said h2012-08-23 编辑:echo
[星座英语] 星座英语:星座工作优势大盘点—巨蟹座
CancerCancer is a feeler first and a thinker second. They are creative, intuitive and bubbling with initiative, and2012-09-28 编辑:mike
[星座英语] 星座英语:星座工作优势大盘点—金牛座
TaurusTaurus can seem quiet since they tend to reach decisions slowly, but once they hit a viewpoint, they are2012-09-28 编辑:mike
[职场双语] 女孩效应:找准自己的职业优势
SHANGHAI women hold more jobs than men in the service sector because of their advantages in communication and2012-09-28 编辑:spring
[星座英语] 星座英语:星座工作优势大盘点—双鱼座
PiscesPisces is not at their happiest in the rational universe of words and thoughts. They feel, dream and follow their hunches, often sounding vague and camouflaging their real opinions because they2012-09-26 编辑:Mike
[星座英语] 星座英语:星座工作优势大盘点—摩羯座
CapricornCapricorn is cautious when it comes to discussions ... until they get warmed up. Essentially practical and 2012-09-26 编辑:Mike
[星座英语] 星座英语:星座工作优势大盘点—水瓶座
AquariusAquarius is good with words, well informed about what interests them and can think out of the box. The2012-10-08 编辑:mike
[星座英语] 星座英语:星座工作优势大盘点—射手座
SagittariusThe Archer has breadth of vision, a thoughtful mind and an enthusiastic way of putting their arguments a2012-10-08 编辑:mike
[星座英语] 星座英语:星座工作优势大盘点—白羊座
AriesAries gets straight to the point, talking vigorously with a good deal of fiery energy behind their words. 2012-09-29 编辑:mike
[星座英语] 星座英语:星座工作优势大盘点—天秤座
LibraLibras are terrific diplomats. They are observant, thoughtful and considerate in putting their views across. They l2012-09-29 编辑:mike
[星座英语] 星座英语:星座工作优势大盘点—天蝎座
ScorpioScorpio is an intense speaker, usually plunging straight to the heart of the matter, disliking superficial answer2012-09-27 编辑:mike
[星座英语] 星座英语:星座工作优势大盘点—狮子座
LeoSimply put, Leo adores an audience. They speak with fiery force, and they love to entertain! They'll try&nbs2012-09-27 编辑:mike
[星座英语] 星座英语:星座工作优势大盘点—处女座
VirgoVirgo is a consummate wordsmith with a sharply observant eye, usually able to convey practical sense when it2012-10-09 编辑:mike
[星座英语] 星座英语:星座工作优势大盘点—双子座
Gemini is the talker of the universe, effortlessly pouring out words on practically every subject under the sun.&nb2012-10-09 编辑:mike