[VOA一分钟英语视频] 第六感feel in your bones
Humans have over 200 bones in their bodies.2024-08-28 编辑:sophie
[VOA一分钟英语视频] 过度解读reading into something
Reading is fun and a great way to learn.2024-09-04 编辑:sophie
[VOA一分钟英语视频] 经得起时间的考验stand the test of time
Life can test us in many ways.2024-09-11 编辑:sophie
[VOA一分钟英语视频] 达到标准up to snuff
We always try to give you high-quality materials for learning English2024-09-18 编辑:sophie
[VOA一分钟英语视频] 归咎于chalk it up to something
Chalk is a material used to write on chalkboards2024-09-25 编辑:sophie
[VOA一分钟英语视频] 太显眼了stick out like a sore thumb
A sore thumb is no fun.2024-10-09 编辑:sophie
[VOA一分钟英语视频] 广为传播go viral
But what does it mean for something to go viral?2024-10-16 编辑:sophie
[VOA一分钟英语视频] 完全暴露Dead giveaway
Dead giveaway sounds like a very dark expression.2024-10-23 编辑:sophie
[VOA一分钟英语视频] 在坟墓里打滚rolling in their grave
A grave is a place where a dead body is buried in the ground2024-10-30 编辑:sophie
[VOA一分钟英语视频] 恰好right on cue
When making a movie, a cue can help actors know when to say their lines.2024-11-06 编辑:sophie
[VOA一分钟英语视频] 清除障碍以准备开始新的工作(或行动)clear the decks
The top part of a boat is called a deck.2024-11-13 编辑:sophie
[VOA一分钟英语视频] 从长远来看in the long run
A marathon is a very long race.2024-11-20 编辑:sophie
[VOA一分钟英语视频] 非常高兴tickled pink
So, what could the expression tickled pink mean?2024-11-27 编辑:sophie
[VOA一分钟英语视频] 折中split the difference
If you split something, you divide it2024-12-04 编辑:sophie
[VOA一分钟英语视频] 即将来临around the corner
Sometimes you need to go around a corner to get where you want to go.2024-12-11 编辑:sophie
[VOA一分钟英语视频] 跳槽,迅速离开某事物 jump ship
If you are on a ship and it starts to sink, it would be a good idea to get off--quickly.2024-12-18 编辑:sophie
[VOA一分钟英语视频] 可以争取的up for grabs
It something is up for grabs, does that mean you have to reach up to get it?2024-12-25 编辑:sophie
[VOA一分钟英语视频] 如火如荼达到了顶峰 in full sw in full swinging
A swing moves back and forth.2025-01-01 编辑:sophie