[英语六级高分必备500关键句] 英语六级高分必备500关键句(MP3+文本) 第304期:阅读理解(201)
The results of a growing number of studies suggest that even a modest vitamin shortfall can be harmful to your health.2017-05-13 编辑:sophie
[英语六级高分必备500关键句] 英语六级高分必备500关键句(MP3+文本) 第307期:阅读理解(204)
The multivitamins question boils down to this: Do you need to wait until all the evidence2017-05-20 编辑:sophie
[英语六级高分必备500关键句] 英语六级高分必备500关键句(MP3+文本) 第308期:阅读理解(205)
Companies and individuals who don't have a strategy to export more2017-05-21 编辑:sophie
[英语六级高分必备500关键句] 英语六级高分必备500关键句(MP3+文本) 第309期:阅读理解(206)
Data show that economic downturns tend to postpone marriage because the parties cannot afford2017-05-23 编辑:sophie
[英语六级高分必备500关键句] 英语六级高分必备500关键句(MP3+文本) 第310期:阅读理解(207)
Some futurologists have a8sumed that the vast upsurge of women in the workforce may portend a rejection of marriage.2017-05-25 编辑:sophie
[英语六级高分必备500关键句] 英语六级高分必备500关键句(MP3+文本) 第311期:阅读理解(208)
Given high unemployment, inflationary problems, and slow growth in real earnings, a working wife can increase household income and relieve some of these pressing financial burdens.2017-05-28 编辑:sophie
[英语六级高分必备500关键句] 英语六级高分必备500关键句(MP3+文本) 第312期:阅读理解(209)
There were various views about what constitutes it, but there was agreement that such an essence ex1sts-that is to say,2017-05-31 编辑:sophie
[英语六级高分必备500关键句] 英语六级高分必备500关键句(MP3+文本) 第313期:阅读理解(210)
The most recent comparative data on the performance of universities and research institutions in Australia, Canada,USA and UK 8hows that2017-06-02 编辑:sophie
[英语六级高分必备500关键句] 英语六级高分必备500关键句(MP3+文本) 第314期:阅读理解(211)
An examination of the history of humanity suggested that man in our epoch is so different from man in previous times that2017-06-05 编辑:sophie
[英语六级高分必备500关键句] 英语六级高分必备500关键句(MP3+文本) 第315期:阅读理解(212)
Another factor contributing to the tendency to deny the assumption of a fixed human nature was2017-06-06 编辑:sophie
[英语六级高分必备500关键句] 英语六级高分必备500关键句(MP3+文本) 第317期:阅读理解(214)
Yet I believe it is precisely from an evolutionary standpoint that we can expect new insight into the problem of the nature of man.2017-06-08 编辑:sophie