[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:沙滩飞雪Snow on the Beach
我望见若隐若现的光点......2022-11-15 编辑:chuztpah
[可可英语晨读] 388期 霉霉巡演太火爆,售票网站崩溃引发骚乱
Ticketmaster’s Taylor Swift chaos triggers US Senate antitrust hearing A US Senate antitrust panel will go ahead with a hearing on the lack of competition in the country’s ticketing industry afte..2022-11-29 编辑:wangyu
[可可英语晨读] 388期 霉霉巡演太火爆,售票网站崩溃引发骚乱
Ticketmaster’s Taylor Swift chaos triggers US Senate antitrust hearing A US Senate antitrust panel will go ahead with a hearing on the lack of competition in the country’s ticketing industry afte..2022-11-29 编辑:wangyu
[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:爱情迷雾Lavender Haze
与你一同盯着天花板发呆......2022-12-02 编辑:chuztpah
[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:回到十二月Back to December
秋天的时候发现,我原来是爱你的......2023-01-31 编辑:chuztpah
[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:奋不顾身爱一次Jump Then Fall
听到你的声音......2023-03-16 编辑:chuztpah
[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:贝蒂Betty
不想妄自揣测你为何......2023-03-19 编辑:chuztpah
[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:反英雄Anti-hero
午夜时分却成了我的午后消遣......2023-03-21 编辑:chuztpah
[听歌学英语安夏版] 听歌学英语:《Mine》霉霉讲述一段分手的恋情
用一首歌的时间,学习超实用的发音规则技巧2023-04-25 编辑:Ukki
[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:仙境Wonderland
爱情的炫目之处......2023-04-29 编辑:chuztpah
[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:爱情故事Love Story
第一次见到你的时候我们都很年轻......2023-05-13 编辑:chuztpah
[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:爱情火花Sparks Fly
你的一颦一举 都像席卷而来的暴风雨.....2023-05-20 编辑:chuztpah
[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:错爱·残夏Cruel Summer
我从迷茫中捕获到了自己的心意......2023-05-21 编辑:chuztpah
[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:这份爱This Love
我的身边再也没有你......2023-07-01 编辑:chuztpah
[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:纸戒Paper Rings
我们初次相遇的那晚.....2023-07-18 编辑:chuztpah
[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:永不过时Style
你的双眸在我的脑海里荡起回忆的涟漪2023-07-31 编辑:chuztpah
[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:欢迎到纽约Welcome to New York
寻觅一个没人听过的声音.......2023-09-09 编辑:chuztpah
[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:(霉霉复仇单曲)嫌隙Bad Blood
亲爱的,我们的梁子已经接下来......2024-01-03 编辑:chuztpah
[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:永恒Timeless
脑海中有声音呼唤我停下......2024-03-13 编辑:chuztpah
[可可英语晨读] 晨读772期|霉霉演唱与前男友合作歌曲,情绪激动哽咽
Taylor Swift Gets Emotional at Final Liverpool Show Singing a Song Written With Joe Alwyn On Saturday night, Taylor Swift performed her final Eras Tour show in Liverpool before she heads on to Ca..2024-06-18 编辑:kekechendu