[听名著练听力] 听《傲慢与偏见》第159期:生最后一次会面
Elizabeth was now to see Mr. Wickham for the last time. Having been frequently in company with him since her return, agitation was pretty well over; the agitations of formal partiality entirely so. S2012-01-13 编辑:beck
[OMG美语] OMG美语讲堂第159期:怎么用英语表达各种天气状况
我们今天一起来学关于天气的话题!Weather!!1) weird weather 天气很反常We've had some really weird weather lately! 我们最近天气很反常!2) pop-up storm 雷阵雨In the summer, it seems like D.C. is2012-07-16 编辑:echo
[GRE备考经验] GRE达人V159+Q168+AW4.0杀G心得
我是9月15号考的,其实只复习了两个月,而且期间各种事。不过之前考过一次老G了,11年6G,不是很理想,总分不到1300,数学只考了780分,AW的ISSUE遇到写过的居然也只拿了3.5,不过最不爽的当时发挥的不好,大老远跑到交大去考尼玛居然一晚上没睡着2013-04-16 编辑:phoenix