[他她话题] 新的一年学会理财 不做月光族
The turning of the calendar is both arbitrary and powerful. Each day is just another day, but when the year resets we feel like the slate is cleaned and we can begin anew.[qh]日历牌的翻页既随意又意义2012-01-16 编辑:jasmine
[他她话题] 新婚小夫妻理财指南:你的就是我的
Merging the Finances财务合并The Wrong Approach: United we stand, divided we bank。错误认识:要么都一块花,要么各自存起来。Right Approach: It's yours, mine and ours。正确认识:资金是你的,是我的2012-06-17 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 从美国人的存钱误区学理财
The savings mistakes range from directly buying company stock to not saving for retirement.Here are the worst savings mistakes that you may be making:存钱的误区有很多,包括直接购买公司股票、放弃存储退2012-07-09 编辑:justxrh
[快乐职场] 职场个人经济规划 让银行支付更多利息
Imagine there's one day every year where a complete stranger hands you fifty quid. Now imagine that was garuanteed every year for the rest of your life. That's like being given a pair2012-08-30 编辑:Amosway
[金融口语积累] 金融口语第3期:个人理财第一步 办理银行账户
课文原文A:Hello, I'd like to open an account. 你好,我想开个帐户。B:Which account would you like to open?您想开什么样的帐户?A:I'd like to open a savings account. What's th2012-09-06 编辑:Amosway
[快乐职场] 上班族理财 合理支配收入和支出是关键
This Videojug film is designed to help people and especially working professionals on how to manage their money&nbs2012-10-16 编辑:qihui
[校园生活] 校园生活:大学新生遭遇理财危机
Shen Junyi’s online “shop” provides a stable income every month, even though it only has a single customer –&n2012-10-18 编辑:ivy
[关注社会] 80后理财:年轻夫妻存储90%收入引争议
A COUPLE who spend only 11 percent of their monthly wages have become a hot Internet topic among young Ch2012-10-18 编辑:spring
[快乐职场] 个人理财:分散投资来保护你的金钱
In this Videojug clip, Les Conway, a Financial Expert talks about the ways of protecting your money by diversi2012-11-12 编辑:qihui
[商业报道] 商业报道:助学贷款与理财
今天的帮助台将要讨论一些能够帮助学生挑选适合自己贷款的方法。2012-11-24 编辑:helen
[双语达人] 为2013年做好准备了吗?Are you ready for 2013?
大多数财务规划建议就像大多数新年许愿一样,不是太复杂就是太平庸。2013-01-30 编辑:ivy
[职场英语百科] 职场英语:30岁前必须改掉的理财习惯
年轻的时候我们可能都大手大脚的花钱没有什么概念,但如果30岁的你还这样可就不太应该了。30岁的你,可能在金钱方面要更注意。你有存款吗?账单都付了吗?你会投资吗?2013-03-13 编辑:Aimee
[快乐职场] 理财从孩子做起 让零用钱持续更长时间
学习一下怎样管理自己的零用钱,这样就可以存钱用于特定的目标,例如大学基金或购买电脑。2013-04-13 编辑:qihui
[雅思高频场景听写训练] 雅思真题听力场景精练 第45期:银行,理财与保险(2)
Seychelles is so much more than just a beautiful destination with divine, world-beating beaches, clear azure waters and an amazing ecology. You will discover that there's truly surprising divers..2013-07-04 编辑:melody
[雅思高频场景听写训练] 雅思真题听力场景精练 第46期:银行,理财与保险(3)
Woman:Hello...motor insurance department...Man:Oh, hello...I'd like to ask about insurance for my car.Woman:Yes,of course. I'll just take a few details. What's your name?Man:Patrick Jones.2013-07-05 编辑:melody
[雅思高频场景听写训练] 雅思真题听力场景精练 第47期:银行,理财与保险(4)
Woman:And what was the problem?Man:It was stolen...but..Man:That's fine, Mr. jones...that's all we need to know at the moment...And will there be any other named drivers?2013-07-08 编辑:melody
[雅思高频场景听写训练] 雅思真题听力场景精练 第44期:银行,理财与保险(1)
This ebanking checking account suits your on-the-go lifestyle. There is no monthly maintenance fee when you choose online paperless statements. You can make your deposits and withdrawal online or by..2013-07-03 编辑:melody
[] 每个毕业生都应该知道的十大理财观念
1970-01-01 编辑:
[校园生活] 每个毕业生都应该知道的十大理财观念
走出校园的大学生往往会发现,突然间,钱变得不够用了!再也吃不到学校食堂那么便宜的菜了,房租再也不会一千多块钱一学期了。自己辛苦一个月的薪水变得入不敷出了!专家告诉你毕业生必备十大理财观念,让你更了解自己的钱。2013-07-21 编辑:kelly
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第227期:生活必备技能-基础会计和理财(4)
Basic accounting and money management. 基础会计和理财2013-08-07 编辑:Ukki