[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第155期:单身太久中毒症状
I'm afraid I've already meet the man of my dreams but probably told him to fuck off.2016-11-08 编辑:Helen
[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第156期:让你开心的几个场景
Your coffee comes exactly as you like it, with the precisely right ratio of cream to sugar2016-11-09 编辑:Helen
[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第157期:小时候的爸爸
Dads are always ready to protect us from anything. Whether it's the bullies at school or the monsters under our beds.2016-11-10 编辑:Helen
[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第158期:女生为什么撒谎
I lied to my best friend about not being a virgin anymore, so that she would get off my back about not losing it yet.2016-11-11 编辑:Helen
[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第159期:为什么不喜欢裸睡
Girls think it's wierd. But I hate being naked. So when it comes down to sex I always need an artile of clothing on. Never full nude.2016-11-25 编辑:Helen
[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第160期:全世界最毒舌的评委
You didn't beat the competition you crushed the competition!2016-11-28 编辑:Helen
[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第161期:你的每个动作
Every time you shake your hips Baby, I go crazy2016-11-29 编辑:Helen
[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第161期:一句话概括一部电影(1)
Everyone tries the ice-bucket challenge.2016-11-30 编辑:Helen
[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第163期:妈妈到底有多爱你
she carried you for more than 9 months.2016-12-01 编辑:Helen
[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第164期:爱狗和养狗的区别
We love all dogs equally.2016-12-02 编辑:Helen
[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第165期:子女教育
I remember during sex ed a kid asked if you could pee while having s*x.2016-12-05 编辑:Helen
[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第166期:你永远得不到想要的发型
Every day of your life is a surprise, and you never know how your hair is going to wake up.2016-12-06 编辑:Helen
[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第167期:一个句子猜电影名字
A guy that's alone in forest kisses a dead body while seven other guys watch.2016-12-07 编辑:Helen
[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第168期:家有儿女的烦恼
“Half” —The 70:30 split you make when your mum tells you to share the last biscuit.2016-12-08 编辑:Helen
[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第169期:音乐节上看到的那些事儿
Puked on their friends2016-12-09 编辑:Helen
[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第171期:在国外高逼格点酒
What can I get you?(服务员问) 你想点些什么吗?2016-12-13 编辑:Helen
[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第170期:英国酒吧的那些趣事
glass collecter2016-12-12 编辑:Helen
[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第172期:你好Wu啊 用英文怎么说
Have one's mind in the gutter.2017-03-06 编辑:Helen
[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第173期:最恨酒后犯浑
My friend drank too much, and started acting like an ass.2017-03-08 编辑:Helen
[爆笑英语口语] 爆笑英语口语(MP3+文本) 第174期:尴尬了 关键一刻怂了
Oh, Rose, I was awkward on yesterday's performance.2017-03-09 编辑:Helen