[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第44期:同甘共苦时的情绪
按照这种认识,按照传统说法,酒神虽然是真正的主角和幻象的焦点,当初,在悲剧的远古时代,他并不真正登场,而只是假定他在场罢了。2015-12-04 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第37期:酒神信徒的幻想
这群纵饮的酒神信徒是在这样的心情和认识下狂欢作乐的:醇酒的力量使得他们就在自己眼前起了变化,所以他们在幻想中见到自己仿佛是再造的自然精灵,是萨提儿。2015-11-18 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第45期:一个新的世界
他不由得要把他心灵中若即若离的整个酒神形象,赋予他眼前那个带面具的演员,从而把演员的现实化为一种超自然的非现实。2015-12-07 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第46期:希腊人的舞蹈天性
Everything that rises to the surface in the Apollinian portion of Greek tragedy (in the dialogue) looks simple, transparent, beautiful.凡是属于希腊悲剧中梦神成份的对话部,在表面上总是简单的、明晰的、美丽的。2015-12-09 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第47期:何为"希腊的乐观
After an energetic attempt to focus on the sun we have, by way of remedy almost, dark spots before our eyes when we turn away.当我们竭力注视太阳之后眼花缭乱地转身避开,我们就感觉到眼前有许多帮助视力恢复的暗黑点。2015-12-11 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第48期:建立一个新世界
The profound poet tells us that a man who is truly noble is incapable of sin; 诗人意味深长地告诉我们:这个高尚的人并没有犯罪。2015-12-14 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第49期:超然物外的快慰
In contrast to the aged hero, stricken with excess of grief and passively undergoing his many misfortunes,这老人受尽千灾百难,完全象一个苦命人那样顺天安命地经受一切遭遇,2015-12-16 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第50期:弑父娶母
Oedipus, his father's murderer, his mother's lover, solver of the Sphinx's riddle!奥狄浦斯是自己父亲的凶手,自己母亲的丈夫,奥狄浦斯是斯芬克司之谜的解答者!2015-12-18 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第53期:神与人是互相依存的
In considering the extraordinary boldness with which Aeschylus places the Olympian world on his scales of justice,试想深思的希腊人的秘教有其牢不可破的哲理基础,2015-12-25 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第51期:普罗密修斯的豪言壮语
It is as though the myth whispered to us that wisdom, and especially Dionysian wisdom, is an unnatural crime,真的,这个神话好象要在我们耳边私语,告诉我们:聪明,尤其是狄奥尼索斯式的聪明,乃是反自然的坏事;2015-12-21 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第52期:命数
Man, raised to titanic proportions, conquers his own civilization and compels the gods to join forces with him,人类达到了铁旦似的高度,便自己去争取文明,强迫神灵同他们结盟,2015-12-23 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第54期:阻碍文明的拦路石
Once again, we may see the artist's buoyancy and creative joy as a luminous cloud shape reflected upon the dark surface of a lake of sorrow.艺术家喜爱发展,艺术创作喜爱反抗灾难,这毋宁是在黑暗苦海中反映的星光云影而已。2015-12-28 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第55期:以犯罪为荣
An austere notion, this, which by the dignity it confers on crime presents a strange contrast to the Semitic myth of the Fall这一种以犯罪为荣的沉痛思想,就同闪族人关于人类堕落的神话有天渊之别了。2015-12-30 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第56期:存在即合理
Once we have comprehended the substance of the Prometheus myth—the imperative necessity of hubris for the titanic individual,你若了解普罗密修斯传说的思想核心——即,一个奋发有为的人物势必犯罪,2016-01-04 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第57期:希腊人的执拗
It is an unimpeachable tradition that in its earliest form Greek tragedy records only the sufferings of Dionysus, and that he was the only actor.据确实无疑的传说,雏型的希腊悲剧以酒神受难的事迹为唯一主题,而且在很长时期剧中唯一人物就是酒神狄奥尼索斯。2016-01-05 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第58期:肢解而死
And in fact they must have felt this way.事实上,古希腊人确实似乎有此感想;2016-01-08 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第59期:酒具有二重性格
We have here an indication that dismemberment—the truly Dionysian suffering—was like a separation into air, water, earth, and fire,那就是说,这样的解体,亦即酒神所受的苦难,是如同气化、水化、土化、火化那样的,2016-01-11 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第60期:个性化是灾祸之主因
In these notions we already find all the components of a profound and mystic philosophy and, by the same token, of the mystery doctrine of tragedy;照上述的观点来看,我们业已接触到一种深刻而悲壮的世界观的一切因素,以及悲剧的神秘教义;2016-01-13 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第61期:希腊人的康庄大道
The Dionysian truth appropriates the entire realm of myth as symbolic language for its own insights,酒神的真理便占据了整个神话领域,当作它的知识之象征,并且宣告这一措施。2016-01-15 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第56期:穿起古装,粉墨登场
What were you thinking of, overweening Euripides, when you hoped to press myth, then in its last agony, into your service?渎神的欧里庇德斯呵,你想再度强迫这垂死者替你服役,是何居心呢?2016-01-18 编辑:clover