[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第98期:与艺术为敌
Our eyes strengthened and refreshed by our contemplation of the Greeks, let us look at the highest spheres of the world around us;古希腊人使我们眼界开朗而清新,现在让我们看看周围世界的最高境界。2016-04-29 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第99期:未必人人欣赏它的色香
Lest this assertion seem too strange, it may be well to disclose the origin of this insight by considering the analogous phenomena of our own time;在上述的历史例证中,我们努力阐明这点:悲剧决然是随着音乐精神之灭亡而灭亡的,所以它也决然只能凭借音乐精..2016-05-04 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第100期:万有之母
Before we plunge into the midst of these struggles, let us array ourselves in the armor of the insights we have acquired.在投入斗争中之前,让我们以已经占有的知识武装起来。2016-05-09 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第101期:我能运用一种魔力
To this most important insight of aesthetics (with which, in the most serious sense, 关于这一最重要的美学见解,(严格的说,真正的美学是从它开始的),2016-05-11 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第102期:意志是一种媒介
Or more briefly: how is music related to image and concept?或者更简单地说:音乐对于形象和概念的关系是怎样的呢?2016-05-13 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第103期:音乐颇象几何图形
Its, universality, however, is by no means that empty universality of abstraction, but of quite a different kind, and is united with thorough and distinct definiteness.它对概念的普遍性之关系,决不是抽象概念的空洞的普遍性,而完全..2016-05-16 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第104期:音乐与艺术的区别
Therefore we are able to set a poem to music as a song, or a visible representation as a pantomime, or both as an opera.基于这点,我们就能够配上音乐使诗成为歌,使一般表演成为舞剧,或者使两者成为歌剧。2016-05-18 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第105期:模仿的音乐作品有毛病
All truly imitative music does this."一切专事模仿的音乐作品就有此毛病”(“意志及表象之世界”)。2016-05-20 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第106期:音乐能产生神话和悲剧
On the other hand, image and concept, under the influence of a truly corresponding music, acquires a higher significance.另一方面,在真正符合的音乐的影响下,形象与概念便取得更高度的意义。2016-05-25 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第107期:个人毁灭时的快感
it is only through the spirit of music that we can understand the joy involved in the annihilation of the individual.只有从音乐的精神我们才能理解个人毁灭时的快感。2016-05-27 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第109期:哈姆雷特的语言比行动肤浅
The history of the rise of Greek tragedy now tells us with luminous precision how the tragic art of the Greeks was really born of the spirit of music.现在,希腊悲剧起源的历史极其明确地告诉我们:希腊的悲剧艺术确实是从音乐精神诞生的。2016-06-08 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第110期:古希腊人永远是孩子
Even this musical superiority, however, would only have been felt by us had we been Greeks; 然而,甚至这种悲剧音乐的感染力,也除非我们变成了古希腊人才能感受:2016-06-13 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第111期:醉境世界观永垂不朽
The striving of the spirit of music toward visual and mythical objectification, 音乐精神向象征化和神话化方面的努力,2016-06-17 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第112期:阻止悲剧复活的时间
Here we are detained by the question, whether the power, by virtue of whose opening influence tragedy perished,到此,我们要解答一个问题,那种势力,到此,我们要解答一个问题,那种势力,悲剧因它的反抗而灭亡的2016-07-25 编辑:Alisa
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第113期:音乐的表达
If we have been right in assigning to music the power of again giving birth to myth,如果我们并没有说错,音乐有从自己再产生神话的力量,2016-07-26 编辑:Alisa
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第115期:悲剧性格描写
The movement in the direction of character delineation proceeds rapidly:沿着性格描写的路线的运动迅速继续前进,2016-07-28 编辑:Alisa
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第108期:存在必定没落
Dionysian art, too, wishes to convince us of the eternal joy of existence: only we are to seek this joy not in phenomena, but behind them.醉境艺术也要使我们相信生存的永恒快乐:不过我们寻求这种快乐不应在现象之中,而应在现象背后。2016-06-03 编辑:clover
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第116期:新的非酒神精神
The new un-Dionysian spirit, however, reveals itself more plainly in the dénouements of the new dramas.然而,这种新的非酒神精神在新悲剧的结局上表现得最为明显。2016-07-29 编辑:Alisa
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第117期:理论家的乐观
the Alexandrian, is the cheerfulness of the theoretical man. 即亚历山德里亚派的乐观,是理论家的乐观;2016-07-30 编辑:Alisa
[悲剧的诞生] 悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第118期:永恒的现象
It is an eternal phenomenon: 这是一种永恒的现象:2016-07-31 编辑:Alisa