A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Memcache::connect(): Server (tcp 11211, udp 0) failed with: Connection refused (111)

Filename: libraries/Cache_file.php

Line Number: 28

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: Memcache::connect(): Can't connect to, Connection refused (111)

Filename: libraries/Cache_file.php

Line Number: 28

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  • [学个词Learn a Word] 学个词Learn a Word第847课:ups and downs

    今天我们要学的词是ups and downs。 "Ups and downs," 意思是时好时坏,起伏波折。"The team had its ups and downs during the season," 这个球队整个赛季的表现时好时坏,起伏不定。"The heavyweight champion ha

    2012-02-02 编辑:Jasmine