[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第20期:退一步海阔天空
The road to peace and reconciliation is a complex and painful process, whether in national or indeed individual conflicts. 不管是个人之间还是国家之间,相互妥协、通向和平之路总是个复杂崎岖且痛苦的过程2016-03-08 编辑:Helen
[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第21期:城市发展对环境的影响
Whether we expand existing towns or build new cities it begs the question about how we build an environment that helps us live in harmony with each other2016-03-15 编辑:Helen
[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第22期:助人为快乐之本
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said love your neighbour as yourself. 在山上宝训中,耶稣说像爱自己一样爱邻里。2016-03-22 编辑:Helen
[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第23期:男女有别之审视角度不同
For so long we have fought to be treated the same as men.长久以来我们一直在争取和男人平起平坐。2016-03-29 编辑:Helen
[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第24期:顺应自然地生活
Living in harmony with nature is so essential to our well-being that it is the first lesson of scripture. 我们《圣经》中的第一课就是,和自然和谐共处对我们有莫大的好处。2016-04-05 编辑:Helen
[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第25期:别把财富妖魔化
The trouble about money is that it is often linked to power. 金钱经常与能力挂钩。2016-04-12 编辑:Helen
[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第26期:希望—西方文明的基石
More recent and disturbing history will be reviewed this week by a court in Oslo.这周奥斯陆法庭将会翻开最近一段纷扰的历史。2016-04-19 编辑:Helen
[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第27期:宗教在当今社会的尴尬地位
"I'm spiritual but I'm not religious" is now a commonplace among people in Britain, the majority of whose population live their lives without reference to organised religion.2016-04-26 编辑:Helen
[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第28期:上帝可能是同志
Last Friday a distinguished Anglican clergyman, the Rev Paul Oestreicher, told us that in his opinion Jesus Christ was probably gay because of his affection for his beloved apostle St John.2016-05-03 编辑:Helen
[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第29期:死亡是生命的见证
Perhaps it's only when we fully accept that we will die that we can fully accept how alive we are right now.可能只有当我们全然接受人生必死的现实,才能意识到当下的人生是多么鲜活。2016-05-10 编辑:Helen
[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第30期:灵魂—我们心中的神仙
It's hard enough to describe the synergy between the idea of a soul and the material world. 要具体描述灵魂和物质世界的联系真的很困难2016-05-17 编辑:Helen
[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第31期:纸质媒体与电子媒体之争
These well-informed young people had a very modest interest in the print media. 这些见多识广的年轻人对纸质媒体兴致不高。2016-05-24 编辑:Helen
[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第33期:死亡不是终点
In a more agnostic culture than the one I grew up with it's a challenge to know how to talk meaningfully about something so enormous when we don't really understand it.2016-06-02 编辑:Helen
[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第35期:新生代的烦恼—二战重演
My younger son said something to me the other day that took me completely by surprise and haunts me still.某天我小儿子跟我说的话让我大吃一惊,直到现在还萦绕在我耳边。2016-06-14 编辑:Helen
[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第34期:无限风光在险峰
Risk is endemic in human affairs.冒险几乎是人群中的常见病。2016-06-07 编辑:Helen
[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第36期:何以解忧?
Each year the serious depression affects 6% of UK adults and 121 million people worldwide. 英国每年有6%的成年人抱受严重抑郁症的困扰,全世界则有1亿2千1百万人。2016-06-21 编辑:Helen
[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第32期:入室行窃的心理创伤
A burglary is often described as being a violation. 入室行窃经常被形容为一种暴行2016-05-31 编辑:Helen
[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第37期:社会救助
Yesterday the Health Secretary announced his social care reform plan.昨天,卫生部长宣布了他的社会保障改革计划。2016-06-28 编辑:Helen
[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第39期:寻“根”究底
The Bible's boring, everyone knows that. Phares begat Esrom and Esrom begat Aram and Aram begat Aminadab.众所周知,《圣经》趣味性不强。法勒斯生希斯仑,希斯仑生亚兰,亚兰生亚米拿达。2016-07-29 编辑:Helen
[智慧人生篇章] 智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第40期:爱是良药
It was the late 70s and we thought him almost a god, my school friends Helen and Anne and I.七十年代末,我和学校里的两个朋友海伦和安妮都极其崇拜他。2016-08-05 编辑:Helen