[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:研究表明寨卡病毒与出生缺陷存在重大关联
The birth defect kills a type of brain cell that is critical to developing infant brains. 出生缺陷消灭一种脑细胞,对发育婴儿的大脑至关重要。2016-03-05 编辑:kahn
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:美国西部遭风暴袭击
starting on Monday, heavy rainfall and severe weather will be possible in the central and southern U.S. 从周一开始,中部和南部地区可能会有强降雨和恶劣天气。2016-03-06 编辑:kahn
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:密苏里洪水造成14人死亡
Heavy rains in Missouri that began over the weekend dumped more than a foot of rain in some parts of the state.本周末开始的密苏里暴雨使该州许多地区降雨量超过一英尺。2015-12-31 编辑:kahn
[卫生体育] 每日新闻一分钟:咖啡或能提高直肠癌患者的生存机率
According to a new study, Stage III colon cancer patients who drank coffee were nearly half as likely to have their cancer return最新研究披露,所有喝咖啡的III期结肠癌病人,其癌症复发的可能性降低了近一半,2016-03-07 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 每日新闻一分钟:每日一杯红酒能预防乳腺癌?
According to new research, drinking one glass of wine a day increases a woman’s chances of getting breast cancer.最新研究结果显示:每日一杯红酒会增加患乳腺癌的风险。2016-03-04 编辑:clover
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:美国前第一夫人南希·里根去世
Nancy was born Anne Frances Robbin in New York City in 1921. Like her husband, Nancy used to be an actor. 南希在1921出生于纽约。像她丈夫一样,南希过去是个演员。2016-03-07 编辑:kahn
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:美国公布反恐人员伤亡数据
The U.S. government will release data on the number of casualties from counter terrorist strikes since 2009. 美国政府将公布自2009年起反恐伤亡人数。2016-03-08 编辑:kahn
[卫生体育] 每日新闻一分钟:夏季减肥天时地利?各种妙招燃烧卡路里!
The arrival of summer sparks our romance with the outdoors炎炎夏季让每颗憧憬户外浪漫的心都蠢蠢欲动。2016-03-08 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 每日新闻一分钟:母亲对新生儿的影响到底有多大?
Social factors such as education and marital status of a mother can have as much effect on the birth weight of her daughter as biological factors,母亲受教育程度和婚姻状况等社会因素与生理因素一样会影响女儿的出生体重。2016-03-09 编辑:clover
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:数十名和平抗议者在俄罗斯被关押
On Tuesday, dozens of peaceful protesters demanding the release of jailed Ukrainian pilot Nadiya Savchenko were detained by Moscow Police. 周二,数十名和平示威者被莫斯科警方拘留,要求释放被监禁的乌克兰飞行员萨夫琴科。2016-03-09 编辑:kahn
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:韩国称朝鲜发射弹道导弹
North Korea fired two ballistic missiles Thursday morning, it was stated by a South Korean military official. 韩国军方官员称,周四上午朝鲜发射了2枚弹道导弹。2016-03-10 编辑:kahn
[卫生体育] 每日新闻一分钟:肥胖青少年盲目补充维生素D有害无益
According to a recent small study, Vitamin D supplements showed no benefit for heart health or lowering the risk for diabetes in obese teenagers,最新研究发现,维生素D对肥胖青少年的心脏健康或糖尿病风险没有益处。2016-03-10 编辑:clover
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:奥巴马白宫欢迎加拿大总理到访
The president added that he and Trudeau have a common outlook on what the two nations can achieve together. 奥巴马补充道,他和特鲁多有一个共同的观点,两国可以共同实现。2016-03-11 编辑:kahn
[卫生体育] 每日新闻一分钟:有了神奇力量,老鼠不再怕猫?
According to a new study, by changing a gene in mice, researchers were able make them more intelligent and less susceptible to fear and anxiety.最新研究发现,通过改变老鼠基因能够使其更加聪明,紧张感和焦虑感也会慢慢减弱。2016-03-11 编辑:clover
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:苹果与FBI之战 奥巴马不愿回应
On Friday, President Obama made it to Austin, Texas for the South by Southwest tech festival.星期五,奥巴马总统抵达德克萨斯奥斯汀,参加西南偏南科技艺术节。2016-03-12 编辑:kahn
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:奥巴马呼吁政治家搞团结 不要搞分裂
President Obama said candidates who don’t do that don't deserve the public's support and votes. 奥巴马总统说,不那样做的候选人不配得到公众的支持和选票。2016-03-13 编辑:kahn
[卫生体育] 每日新闻一分钟:喝啤酒的十大好处
Here are some scientifically proven health benefits of beer on the human body.科学研究表明,适量的喝啤酒对健康有益。2016-03-15 编辑:clover
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:美国士兵涉嫌强奸日本女子
The man arrested by police was reportedly a 24-year-old sailor stationed at the U.S. military's Camp Schwab. 被警方逮捕的人据说是一名24岁的海员,驻扎在美军施瓦布军营。2016-03-15 编辑:kahn
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:研究发现生活在贫困地区的人更容易肥胖
According to research conducted at the University of Colorado, living in low-income neighborhoods puts young people at a higher risk of obesity.根据科罗拉多大学的研究,生活在低收入地区的年轻人有更高患肥胖的风险。2016-03-16 编辑:kahn
[卫生体育] 每日新闻一分钟:容易抑郁的女性,你还在吃碳水化合物吗?
A diet high in refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, white rice and many junk foods,最新研究发现,高度精制碳水化合物食品如面包,米饭及其他垃圾食品2016-03-16 编辑:clover