[单词解析速记] 单词解析速记 JV544:Sloth.and.Paramount
LAMPOON = (n.) an artistic work that pokes fun or ridicules; (v.) to poke fun or ridiculeSynonyms:(n.) joke, parody, satire, skit, (v.) ridicule, make fun, satirizeAntonyms:documentaryExamples:- No m2012-04-16 编辑:kekenet
[单词解析速记] 单词解析速记 JV545:Infuse and Prodigy
INFUSE = (verb) 1. to fill or cause to be filled with emotion; 2. to fill by pouring; 3. to steep or soak something in a liquid in order to extract its flavorSynonyms:steep, soak, introduce, inspire,2012-04-16 编辑:kekenet
[单词解析速记] 单词解析速记 JV546:Inculcate.and.Fret
INCULCATE = (verb) to teach or fix something in someone’s mind through forceful repetitio, to fix beliefs or ideas in someone’s mind, especially by repeating them oftenSynonyms:drill, instill, imp2012-04-16 编辑:kekenet
[单词解析速记] 单词解析速记 JV547:Sporadic and Retort
SPORADIC = occurring occasionally at intervals that have no apparent patternSynonyms:occasional, infrequent, unconnected, scattered, uncommon, irregularAntonyms:frequent, regularExamples:- The ambigu2012-05-11 编辑:kekenet
[单词解析速记] 单词解析速记 JV548:Nepotism.and.Imbroglio
1.NEPOTISM: (noun)favoritism shown to relatives by those in power,favoritism shown by somebody in power to relatives and friends, especially in appointing them to good positions. using your power or2012-05-13 编辑:kekenet
[单词解析速记] 单词解析速记 JV549:Rectify.and.Impecunious
RECTIFY = (verb) to make something right again, to correct itSynonyms:remedy, repair, right, correct, adjust, amend, fix, mend, improve, reviseAntonyms:ruin, damage, worsenExamples:- Frank tried to g2012-05-13 编辑:kekenet
[单词解析速记] 单词解析速记 JV550:Sanguine.and.Prudent
SANGUINE = (adjective) having a cheerfully optimistic temperament or outlook–hopefulSynonyms:upbeat, optimistic, positive, hopeful, expectant, enthusiastic, cheerfulAntonyms:hopeless, pessimisticExa2012-05-16 编辑:kekenet
[单词解析速记] 单词解析速记 JV551:Sanguine.and.Prudent
PARIAH = someone who has been outcast from society and is avoided by people, a person who is not accepted by a social group, especially because he or she is not liked, respected or trustedSynonyms:ou2012-05-16 编辑:kekenet
[单词解析速记] 单词解析速记 JV552:Insouciant and Synthesis
INSOUCIANT (adjective): a relaxed and happy, without worry or guilt: without worry, anxiety, or guilt–unconcerned.Examples:- Frank’s insouciant attitude toward money and the importance of saving2012-05-16 编辑:kekenet
[单词解析速记] 单词解析速记 JV553:Palliate.and.Turgid
PALLIATE (verb) : 1. to try to make something seem less serious or severe, especially by offering excuses; 2. to make something less intense or severe; 3. to relieve the painful, physical symptoms of2012-05-17 编辑:kekenet
[单词解析速记] 单词解析速记 JV554:Procrastinate and Unwitting
PROCRASTINATE (verb): to delay doing something that should be done, To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness. To postpone or delay needlessly.Examples:- Marc wa2012-05-17 编辑:kekenet
[考研词汇备考辅导] 看双语小故事速记考研英语词汇:Accept Innovation
看双语小故事速记考研英语词汇:Accept InnovationAt the beginning of computer usage, quite a few people rejected it. Mr Russell was one of them. He was an upright person but he was unwilling to accept i2012-07-03 编辑:melody
[口译备考资料] 英语口译笔记速记符号大全(1)
一.缩写词: Abbreviations in Note takingUse only the abbreviations that fit your needs and that you will remember easily. A good idea is to introduce only a few abbreviations into your note taking2012-07-07 编辑:melody
[GRE英语节目] 新增《赵丽GRE词汇速记口诀》节目
2012-08-06 编辑:kekenet
[赵丽GRE词汇速记口诀] 赵丽GRE词汇速记口诀 第1期:飞系列
飞系列口决:飞在边缘是小鸟,飞入湖中是雪花,飞在空中是本能,飞来的姑姑在炫耀,锁到一起是一群,飞出去却遭到蔑视,后飞来的却在那溜须拍马,此事听来真flurry,缺乏的却是广告宣传。 fledging 小鸟 ing小东西2012-08-03 编辑:kekenet
[赵丽GRE词汇速记口诀] 赵丽GRE词汇速记口诀 第5期:数字系列
数字系列(一个:ig;100:loo;600:boo……)ignite (用燃料)点燃 一个晚上lighted 点着、点亮 点香烟ignore 忽视 一个闹 ignorant adj. 无知的 ignorance n. 无知annoy使烦恼 (啊,闹呀!) be a2012-08-06 编辑:kekenet
[赵丽GRE词汇速记口诀] 赵丽GRE词汇速记口诀 第6期:专家系列
专家系列(specialist 专家 sp看成专家)spoil 贱蹋、宠爱、溺爱 专家的石油被损坏了(同义词 doting cosher pamper cocker)pamper 拿在手里怕化了spank打人 [助记]专家爱打人,天鹅爱打扮swank打扮 (癞蛤蟆和天2012-08-06 编辑:kekenet
[赵丽GRE词汇速记口诀] 赵丽GRE词汇速记口诀 第7期:阿姨系列
阿姨系列(七大姑八大姨)aunt,regaunt "鬼阿姨" 憔悴的,苍白的vaunt “五个阿姨在一起” 吹牛flaunt “飞姑姑” 炫耀haunt “h:home;你姑姑家” 常来常往的地方,鬼神出没的地方,萦绕心头2012-08-06 编辑:kekenet
[赵丽GRE词汇速记口诀] 赵丽GRE词汇速记口诀 第8期:大街系列
大街系列(st)prestige 名声、声望 前面街上有个哥哥因为爱而闻名于世pre-st-I-genasty 恶心的,淫秽的,下流的,龌龊的 那条街为什么这么脏stink 恶臭 大街上的墨水散着恶臭stigma 污点、耻辱stroll 散2012-08-06 编辑:kekenet
[赵丽GRE词汇速记口诀] 赵丽GRE词汇速记口诀 第9期:钱系列
钱系列innocent “兜里没有一分钱,小孩一般这样” 天真的,无辜的incentive 刺激,奖励 (跟金钱有关) 在金钱方面的刺激larceny n(缺乏钱才盗窃)盗窃罪indecent 不合适的decent (from) 合适的wage n.周工资allowa2012-08-06 编辑:kekenet