[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1398期:只要我们还在做着自己讨厌的事, 或是因为胆怯在做着某事, 我们就永远谈不上稳
We are never properly safe so long as we are doing something we hate or are pursuing out of cowardice.2022-06-21 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1397期:我爱你, 无论天荒地老, 海枯石烂
In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us... I love you.2022-06-20 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1396期:你这一生其实只有9年, 请好好"虚度"
We would never waste it if it was money, so why do we waste it when it comes to time?2022-06-17 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1395期:不要选择更好的男人, 要选能够把你变得更好的男人
Don't choose the better guy. Choose the guy that's gonna make you the better girl.2022-06-16 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1394期:宝贝, 你不了解我
Take me to the place I used to run. Remember the house where I was born. Baby, you don't know me. My baby,you don't know.2022-06-15 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1393期:读书改变了人与人之间的关系
Reading also changed our relationship with each other. It gave us an occasion for intimacy, to see beyond our points of view.2022-06-14 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1392期:失败会成为你获得更大成功最好的动力
Please don't ever feel entitled to win. Just keep working harder. Losing can be the best motivator to get you even bigger wins.2022-06-13 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1391期:每个人都有很多面, 重点不是去推开不好的那些面, 而是腾出空间, 与之共存
People have all kinds of sides to them. And some sides are messy. The point isn't to push the bad stuff away. It's to make room for it, live with it.2022-06-10 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1390期:在意料之外寻求希望、在重重挑战中越挫越勇、在孤独的旅程中找到属于你的风景
Find the hope in the unexpected. Find the courage in the challenge. Find your vision on the solitary road.2022-06-09 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1389期:我多么希望, 你只存在于我的回忆里
I wish that you would stay in my memories. But you show up today just to ruin things. I wanna put you in the past 'cause I'm traumatized. But you're not letting me do that.2022-06-08 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1388期:团结比团结的方式更重要
Staying together is more important than how we stay together.2022-06-07 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1387期:我创造了你, 但你让我成为了母亲
We'll walk, hand in hand, until you let go. I made you, but you made me a mother.2022-06-06 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1386期:五月五日, 立夏
Every year around May the 5th, Chinese people welcome in the first summer solar term, the Beginning of Summer.2022-06-02 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1385期:想要建立更好的社会, 得从自身行动做起
To build a healthier society, we need to start with our own personal action—make healthy choices, so that we will have the future we dream of.2022-06-01 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1384期:把不开心通通甩掉~
The players are gonna play. And the haters are gonna hate. I'm just gonna shake it off.2022-05-31 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1383期:谢谢你让我成为了一名斗士
Makes me that much stronger. Makes me work a little bit harder. It makes me that much wiser. So thanks for making me a fighter.2022-05-30 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1382期:终有一天当你达成目标, 你就会知道, 是你和那些爱你的人成就了你
If you just focus on the work and you don't let those people sidetrack you, someday when you get where you're going, you will know that it was you and the people who love you who put you the..2022-05-27 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1381期:地球上有70亿人, 总有一人会愿意为你爬上月亮
There're seven billion people on the planet. I know one of them is gonna climb up on a moon for you.2022-05-26 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1380期:把绊脚石看成垫脚石, 永远不要停止书写自己的故事
Think of stumbling blocks as stepping stones and never stop writing.2022-05-25 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1379期:光将指引你家的方向, 从内而外地温暖你, 而我也将用爱治愈你
Lights will guide you home. And ignite your bones. And I will try to fix you.2022-05-24 编辑:Villa