[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第351期 刘海英文怎么说
Your bangs are too long. You should get a haircut. 你的刘海太长了!你应该去修剪一下!2017-05-26 编辑:aimee
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第349期 私下英文怎么说
I want to talk with you in confidence. 我想和你私下谈谈。2017-05-24 编辑:aimee
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第353期 穿着酷炫英文怎么说
You are dressed to kill today! 你今天的打扮酷毙了。2017-05-29 编辑:aimee
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第354期 从头再来英文怎么说
The company decided to pay off the debt to start with a clean slate. 公司决定还清债务,从头再来。2017-05-30 编辑:aimee
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第352期 顺风顺水英文怎么说
Our team is on a roll. We have won most of our games. 我们队现在顺风顺水,大部分比赛都赢了。2017-05-27 编辑:aimee
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第355期 犯傻英文怎么说
Why are you being silly again? What do you want? 你为什么又犯傻,你到底想干嘛?2017-05-31 编辑:aimee
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第357期 打退堂鼓英文怎么说
He planned to talk to Mary, but then he got cold feet. 他本打算去跟Mary说话,但后来临阵退缩了。2017-06-02 编辑:aimee
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第358期 深情英文怎么说
Mike gave me a very long and affectionate hug. Mike给了我一个长久的,深情的拥抱。2017-06-03 编辑:aimee
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第356期 点名英文怎么说
-Now we're going to call the roll. Mike! -现在我们开始点名。Mike!2017-06-01 编辑:aimee
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第359期 生活有规律英文怎么说
A regular life is the secret of good health. 有规律地生活是健康的秘诀。2017-06-04 编辑:aimee
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第357期 打退堂鼓英文怎么说
He planned to talk to Mary, but then he got cold feet. 他本打算去跟Mary说话,但后来临阵退缩了。2017-06-02 编辑:aimee
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第360期 酒量好英文怎么说
He is very proud of his ability in holding his liquor. 他为自己的酒量好而自豪。2017-06-05 编辑:aimee
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第361期 震惊英文怎么说
You have to watch this movie. It's great. It really blew my mind. 你必须看一下这部电影,太棒了,我整个震惊了。2017-06-06 编辑:aimee
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第362期 纠结英文怎么说
Mike is so torn between becoming a doctor and becoming a teacher. Mike在做医生还是当老师之间无比纠结。2017-06-07 编辑:aimee
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第363期 咬紧牙关英文怎么说
I just need to bite the bullet and take the exam to graduate. 为了毕业我只能硬着头皮去考试了。2017-06-08 编辑:aimee
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第365期 一头雾水英文怎么说
Mike cannot put his finger on his girlfriend’s emotions. Mike完全搞不懂她女朋友的情绪。2017-06-10 编辑:aimee
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第364期 船到桥头自然直英文怎么说
Don't worry. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. 别担心,船到桥头自然直。2017-06-09 编辑:aimee
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第366期 辩解英文怎么说
Mary tried to explain away her mistakes. Mary试着为自己的过失做辩解。2017-06-12 编辑:aimee
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第367期 不折不扣英文怎么说
Mary is every inch a leader. We all like her. Mary是一位不折不扣的优秀领导,我们都喜欢她。2017-06-13 编辑:aimee
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第368期 缓和气氛英文怎么说
It's hard to break the ice at a party. 在party上要缓和气氛可不容易。2017-06-14 编辑:aimee