[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(76)
他首先要重做关于黎曼ζ函数的计算。2019-12-28 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(77)
这项实验是一次不同寻常的合作,2019-12-29 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(72)
就像在布莱切利自己烧棋子那样,现在他要铺一条路。2019-12-22 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(79)
从维多利亚大学往市区走,会经过一个铁路桥,2020-01-24 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(81)
Four outgrowths come down from the forehead to make the face.2020-01-30 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(83)
But in certain phenomena, those of crystallisation for instance, the reverse process could occur.2020-02-14 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(84)
The problem of growth as a whole would be far, far more complicated than this.2020-02-15 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(88)
And the idea, although admittedly in a grossly oversimplified and hypothetical way, actually worked.2020-02-22 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(89)
那是战争给他机会让他去思考的领域,那是不属于任何现有学科的一个领域。2020-02-23 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(90)
How much information could be stored in the brain in this way?2020-02-28 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(82)
It took him back to the days of the iodates and sulphites, to the mathematics of chemical reactions.2020-02-13 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(86)
A mathematical model of the growing embryo will be described.2020-02-21 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(78)
罗宾·甘迪是这里的一位常客,2020-01-21 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(80)
There were two possibilities2020-01-28 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(85)
It would count the number of '1' pulses in a 40-bit sequence.2020-02-16 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(87)
Such 'non-linear' problems had to be solved as a whole,2020-02-21 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(91)
Polygonally symmetrical structures, e.g. starfish, flowers.2020-02-29 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(92)
It had been twenty-one years, and the computer had come of age.2020-02-29 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(93)
But this was not where his heart lay now.2020-03-01 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(96)
Nor did Alan try to explain.2020-03-07 编辑:hoy