[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(126)
He had also spent a term at Princeton in late 1946, and discussed computers with von Neumann.2020-04-22 编辑:Villa
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(127)
The opportunities open to him were rich, and his neglect of them very striking.2020-04-23 编辑:Villa
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(97)
A young scientist, A.E. Glennie, spent time at Manchester on this work.2020-03-08 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(100)
This may sound rather Utopian,2020-03-14 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(95)
His mother made the journey to Wilmslow once in the summer each year.2020-03-06 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(107)
At the beginning of November his paper on morphogenetic theory was ready. He decided to send it to the biological series of the Royal Society Proceedings.2020-03-26 编辑:hoy
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(124)
Again he angrily protested his innocence, and in a moment of emotion said he could go to the police and tell everything.2020-04-20 编辑:Villa
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(125)
The result was to re-establish a friendly, and indeed an erotic relationship.2020-04-21 编辑:Villa
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(128)
Alan Turing himself always sought to play down any such comparison, which in his view was irrelevant to the essential thesis that the brain could be regarded as a discrete state machine.2020-04-24 编辑:Villa
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(129)
The analogy with cryptanalysis is even closer in that the crystallographer attacks the problem, at first sight too enormous for contemplation, by making a hypothesis about the structure of the cryst..2020-04-26 编辑:Villa
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(130)
If the operations are represented by letters, then such a sequence is represented by a 'word'—hence the name of the problem.2020-04-27 编辑:Villa
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(131)
More strictly, all but the Manchester and Toronto machines were of a slightly modified design, the Mark I.2020-04-28 编辑:Villa
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第8章:面朝大海(135)
On the Beach2020-05-07 编辑:Villa
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(133)
On the Beach2020-04-30 编辑:Villa
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第9章:退隐山林(134)
On the Beach2020-05-06 编辑:Villa
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第8章:面朝大海(136)
On the Beach2020-05-08 编辑:Villa
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第8章:面朝大海(145)
On the Beach2020-05-20 编辑:Villa
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第8章:面朝大海(146)
On the Beach2020-05-21 编辑:Villa
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第8章:面朝大海(150)
On the Beach2020-05-27 编辑:Villa
[艾伦图灵传] 双语畅销书《艾伦图灵传》第8章:面朝大海(151)
On the Beach2020-05-28 编辑:Villa