[双城记] 有声读物《双城记》第28期:求救(2)
But at this moment Charles Darnay was trying very hard 但在此刻,查尔斯·代尔那正竭力to persuade his old friend Mr Lorry not to go to France.说服他的老朋友劳里先生不要去法国。It's too dangerous. The weather is not good, “那太危险了..2021-05-18 编辑:phoenix
[哈利波特与密室] 有声读物《哈利波特与密室》第217期:决斗俱乐部(11)
至少洛哈特是鞠躬了,两只手翻动出很多花样,而斯内普只是很不耐烦地抖了一下脑袋。2013-04-15 编辑:mike
[哈利波特与密室] 有声读物《哈利波特与密室》第218期:决斗俱乐部(12)
斯内普教授,向他们展示这一招,这个主意真妙,不过,我这么说你可别介意,刚才你要来这么一手的意图很明显2013-04-16 编辑:mike
[哈利波特与密室] 有声读物《哈利波特与密室》第219期:决斗俱乐部(13)
她长得又高又壮,敦敦实实,肥厚的下巴气势汹汹地向前伸着。赫敏勉强地朝她笑了笑,她理都不理2013-04-17 编辑:mike
[哈利波特与密室] 有声读物《哈利波特与密室》第220期:决斗俱乐部(14)
他踉跄了一下,还好,似乎一切还都在运转,于是哈利抓紧时机,用魔杖直指马尔福,大叫一声:咧嘴呼啦啦2013-04-18 编辑:mike
[哈利波特与密室] 有声读物《哈利波特与密室》第221期:决斗俱乐部(15)
这是违反比赛道德的,然而他错了。只见马尔福一边拼命地喘息着,一边把魔杖对准哈利的膝盖,连笑带喘地说:塔朗泰拉舞!2013-04-19 编辑:mike
[双城记] 有声读物《双城记》第29期:求救(3)
On the morning of his wedding to Lucie he had told Dr Manette, 在他和路茜举行婚礼的那天早晨他就告诉了马内特医生,but the Doctor had made him promise to keep his name secret. 但是医生自己答应将他的名字保密。Not even Lucie or Mr Lorry knew. ..2021-05-19 编辑:phoenix
[双城记] 有声读物《双城记》第30期:求救(4)
This cry for help made Darnay very unhappy.这个求救的哭诉使代尔那十分难受。After the death of the Marquis, he had told Gabelle to do his best for the people.侯爵死后,他就告诉过加贝尔要尽自己最大的努力去帮助人民,But now Gabelle was in prison..2021-05-20 编辑:phoenix
[双城记] 有声读物《双城记》第31期:求救(5)
Lucie had never heard Mr Carton speak like this before.路茜以前从未听过卡登先生这么说过,Tears came to her eyes as she thought of his hopeless, miserable life.一想到他绝望、不幸的生活,她的眼里就充满了泪水。2021-05-21 编辑:phoenix
[双城记] 有声读物《双城记》第32期:求救(6)
Darnay was taken to the prison of La Force 代尔那被送进了拉弗尔斯监狱,and put in a cold empty room with a locked door and bars across the windows. 而且被关进一个寒冷而空荡的房间。门上了锁,窗户封了铁条。He thought of Dr Manette and his man..2021-05-22 编辑:phoenix
[哈利波特与密室] 有声读物《哈利波特与密室》第222期:决斗俱乐部(16)
天哪,天哪,洛哈特说着,在人群里跳来跳去,看着人们决斗的后果;请自愿上来一对—隆巴顿和芬列里,你们怎么样2013-04-22 编辑:mike
[双城记] 有声读物《双城记》第33期:在公民们的手里(1)
'La Force!Dear Lucie, you can do nothing tonight.“拉弗尔斯监狱!亲爱的路茜,你今天晚上是无能为力的了,You must go to one of the rooms here and wait. I must told with your father at once. ' 你得待在这儿的一间房子里等着,我必须马上和你父亲谈谈..2021-05-23 编辑:phoenix
[双城记] 有声读物《双城记》第34期:在公民们的手里(2)
He left Jerry Cruncher with them as a guard, and returned worriedly to Tellson's.他留下杰里·克拉彻做保卫,然后焦急地回到了台尔森银行。At the end of the day a strong, serious man came to see him.白天快要过去时,来了一位强壮而严肃的人要见他。2021-05-24 编辑:phoenix
[双城记] 有声读物《双城记》第35期:在公民们的手里(3)
Mr Lorry held her hands;he did not say anything, but he was also very worried.劳里先生抓住她的手,什么也没说,但是也很担心。The Doctor did not come back from La Force for several days. 已有好几天了医生还没从拉弗尔斯回来。During that time ..2021-05-25 编辑:phoenix
[哈利波特与密室] 有声读物《哈利波特与密室》第223期:决斗俱乐部(17)
他举起自己的魔杖,左右挥舞一番,想变幻出复杂的花样,却不小心把它掉在了地上2013-04-23 编辑:mike
[双城记] 有声读物《双城记》第36期:在公民们的手里(4)
Dr Manette seemed to become stronger as he lived through these terrible days, doing everything he could to save his daughter's husband.在这些恐怖的日子里生活,马内特医生似乎变得更强健了,竭尽全力地去救他的女婿。2021-05-26 编辑:phoenix
[双城记] 有声读物《双城记》第37期:在公民们的手里(5)
As Darnay walked in front of the judges, he tried to remember the careful advice that Dr Manette had given him.在走到法官面前时,代尔那尽力去回想马内特医生给他的周详的忠告。'Charles Evrémonde, you are an emigrant. All emigran..2021-05-27 编辑:phoenix
[双城记] 有声读物《双城记》第38期:在公民们的手里(6)
But Lucie was still worried. So many innocent men and women had died, for no reason, and every day brought more deaths. A shadow of fear and hate lay over France, and no one knew what dangers the ne..2021-05-28 编辑:phoenix
[双城记] 有声读物《双城记》第39期:间谍(1)
While this was happening, Miss Pross was out shopping for the family. Jerry Cruncher was with her, and they had just gone into a wine-shop when Miss Pross suddenly stopped, looked at one of the cust..2021-05-29 编辑:phoenix
[双城记] 有声读物《双城记》第40期:间谍(2)
Don't be alarmed, my dear Miss Pross, 'said Carton, smiling at her. 'But I'm afraid I have to tell you that your brother is a spy, a spy for the French prisons. '"别惊慌,亲爱的普罗斯小..2021-05-30 编辑:phoenix