[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第304期:最有力的伙伴
there no sight of any rivers,no low patch green in the my indicate of assess.Just a lot of sand.这里没有任何河流的迹象 也没有我所预想的灌木丛 只有一片沙海2020-12-17 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第305期:时刻保持警惕
Just draining, sapping,but what are so really difficult things is just about putting your head down,不停地流失水分 排除汗液 但是此时真正难以做到的事情 是你还能低着头2020-12-18 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第306期:容易受到攻击
I'm not sure whether that's a good or bad thing that I can't see the bottom because of all the dust.由于全是尘土 我看不到井底 不知道这是好事还是坏事2020-12-19 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第307期:讨厌这种感觉
There's no point trying to get a load of these down me and end up throwing up.我不可能把这些全都吃进去 最后全都吐出来2020-12-20 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第308期:战胜高温
Beating the heat isn't just about finding water.战胜高温不仅要找到水源It's also about making the most of what you already have.更需要你充分利用身边的一切2020-12-21 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第309期:增添一线生机
But you see how much cooler that is.但清凉效果一流As soon as I put this on,you can see the heat again.一旦我穿上这个 温度又会回升2020-12-22 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第310期:海洋生命的天堂
The Atlantic is brutal and when storms hit,they can unleash their fury on unwary shipping.大西洋是残酷的 暴风雨侵袭之时 那些误入的船只 便会激起它的满腔怒火2020-12-23 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第311期:机会和生存
I'd like to think the sailors from this got away with their lives,but not everyone is so lucky.我认为海员们都从船上逃生了 但幸运女神不会每次都降临2020-12-24 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第313期:激发生存本能
Still gripping on,but that's just nerve reflex there.See, even on my lip. Look.还是紧紧吸着 但这只是神经反射 还吸住我的嘴唇了 看2020-12-26 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第317期:味道真难吃
You spend most of the day wanting the cool of the evening and then most of the night longing for the heat of the sun again.希望白天是夜晚的温度 又希望夜晚是白天的温度2020-12-30 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第312期:巨大的水族馆
There will be loads of these living down here,but you know, I don't want to eat this raw.这儿会有很多他的同伴 但它这样 我可不敢生吃2020-12-25 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第315期:尽量呆在高处
The Sahara is home to some of the deadliest snakes and scorpions on the planet.撒哈拉沙漠里生活着许多 地球上最致命的毒蛇和蝎子2020-12-28 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第316期:温度骤然下降
It's like an old friend.As soon as the sun went,the temperature started to drop dramatically.就像见到久违的朋友 一旦太阳下山 温度就会骤然下降2020-12-29 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第314期:宿营的好地方
On the edge of the Sahara Desert I have come face to face with an ocean of water,but not a drop that I can drink.So I gonna step up to search.在撒哈拉沙漠的边缘 我看到了一片汪洋大海 但不是淡水 我无法饮用 所以我得继续寻找水源2020-12-27 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第318期:寸草不生之地
Early morning is perfect for this,when temperatures can be between ten and 20 degrees cooler.清晨赶路最理想 就是气温比正午凉爽十多度的时候2020-12-31 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第319期:挑战我的极限
Since diving headlong into the middle of the Sahara Desert it has been a wild ride.从头部向前 跳入撒哈拉大沙漠的中心地带开始 我进行了一次危险之旅2021-01-01 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第320期:开辟新的生活
The sediment and sand acts as a fine filter helping to remove debris from the water,as well as other impurities.这种沉积物和沙土能有效进行过滤 帮助滤掉水中的废物 和其他杂质2021-01-02 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第321期:良好的心态
Any of the scorpions, snakes,creepy crawlies that might be living amongest all of the rubble.那就是有可能藏身于碎石中的 蝎子 蛇 和其它可怕的爬行生物2021-01-03 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第322期:严酷的挑战书
I've traveled to the ends of the earth,taking on the world's wildest places.我的冒险之旅遍布天涯海角 远至那荒无人烟之地2021-01-04 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第323期:绝壁的山谷
My plan was to land on the water,but to do that,I need to release the parachute just before entry.我的计划是水上降落 要实现这一目标 我必须在入水前那一刻 和伞包脱离2021-01-05 编辑:kahn