[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第87期:锁定远方的地标
Even with the stick,I've got to remain focused on where I'm standing.即使手持长棍 我仍要时刻警惕自己所处的位置You can't take your eyes off these snakes for a moment.你的视线一刻也不能离开这些毒蛇2020-05-14 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第91期:钻木取火
My plan is to make a fire using a method我准备用一种自人类取火伊始that's been around for as long as man has been making fire the hand drill.就使用的取火方法 钻木取火2020-05-18 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第88期:简直就是天堂
I'm deep in the heart of the Chihuahuan desert, western Texas,and I've reached arroyo.我身处德克萨斯州西部的 奇瓦瓦沙漠的中心地带 现在我来到一处河谷2020-05-15 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第89期:面对困难从容淡定
And all too soon,there's another obstacle in my path.好景不长 在我前进的道路上又出现了另一道障碍Let's take it easy on this stuff.面对困难的时候要从容淡定2020-05-16 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第92期:离成功取火不远了
The key with this is not tiring yourself out too quickly.你要注意的是 不要钻的太快把力气一下子用完Slowly build up that heat,and then, as the smoke starts to appear,而是要慢慢转 逐渐提高热量 等到开始冒烟的时候2020-05-19 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第97期:身处阿拉斯加
I'm gonna show you what it takes to get out alive from some of the most dangerous places on earth.我将向您展示 如何从地球上 最危险的地带 逃出生天2020-05-24 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第93期:谨遵前人教诲
And that's such a good feeling.这种感觉实在是太好了Getting fire going just from hand drill,with no matches or anything,用钻木取火的方式来生火 不用火柴或者其它东西2020-05-20 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第94期:保持身体的水分
Why is it that everything around here is either spiky,sharp, or out to kill you?为何这里的每一样东西不是多刺 尖锐 就是想要你的命2020-05-21 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第96期:千万别惹德克萨斯
You can just feel your mind racing,and loads of mad ideas come into it.但那时你能感觉到大脑在飞快地运转 不一会一大堆疯狂的主意就冒了出来2020-05-23 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第95期:格兰德河
There's the river.See that?The Rio Grande,and the border of Mexico.那边有河 看见了吗 格兰德河 美国和墨西哥的界河And the border-control guys are gonna be all over this.在这条河上 到处都有边防巡逻队的身影2020-05-22 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第98期:向海边进发
Its purpose is to deploy me into harsh glacier terrain high up in the Chugach mountains.而是要把我撂在楚加奇山脉中 严酷的冰川高地上2020-05-25 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第99期:冒险一搏
Don't like the look of this stuff at all.真不喜欢这样的冰川地貌There you see it's just all free-floating, broken ice.满眼尽是残破的浮冰2020-05-26 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第100期:事情变得非常棘手
It's getting quite tricky, this bit.Here without proper crampons or ice axes.事情变得非常棘手 我现在没有 可用的冰爪或者冰镐2020-05-27 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第101期:寻找最快的出路
Sharp, hurried movements could dislodge the bollard.Seems to be holding at the moment.突兀的大动作可能会使绳索脱离冰柱 现在看起来还能挺得住2020-05-28 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第102期:广袤的荒野
I'm in Alaska,wading through the most northern forests in the U.S.我身在阿拉斯加 在美国最北部的森林中涉水穿梭5,000 square miles of subpolar rainforest,在这片五千平方英里的副极地森林中2020-05-29 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第103期:不能放松警惕
God, I hate it when that happens.That was very, very close.天呐 我最讨厌这种情况了 刚才真是太险了You know, you think something's solid,and then it's just rotten.你认为坚固的东西 却如此不可靠2020-05-30 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第104期:开始寻找食物
I'm in the forest of Alaska made my way off the glacier down some treacherous white waterfalls,and now I'm on the lookout for food.我身在阿拉斯加丛林深处 从冰川中脱身后 涉过危险丛生的瀑布 现在我要开始寻找食物了2020-05-31 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第105期:找一个扎营的地方
Limpets clamp down onto the rock using a muscular foot,帽贝就利用自己强壮的足部 吸附在岩石上which is the main edible part of this gastropod.足部也是腹足动物主要可食用的部分2020-06-01 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第106期:强制让自己休息
One of the challenges of having 22 hours of daylight everyday白昼时间长达22个小时是个挑战is just your body clock gets completely thrown off.这会让你的生物钟紊乱2020-06-02 编辑:kahn
[荒野求生] 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第107期:切断那边的退路
One rope to suspend my fishnet hammock and a trigger line to my rock counterweight.一条绳子吊起渔网做吊床 再用一条做岩石秤锤的导引索2020-06-03 编辑:kahn