[新概念青少年版1B] 新概念青少年版1B:Unit27 Toothache
That's at half past four this afternoon.今天下午4点半2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版1A] 新概念青少年版1A:Unit1 Meet the family!
This is my family.这是我的家人2017-04-26 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版1B] 新概念青少年版1B:Unit28 Every day is different!
It's often hot and dry in summer.夏天总是炎热干燥2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版1A] 新概念青少年版1A:Unit2 What is it?
It's a red umbrella.是把红色的伞2017-04-26 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版1B] 新概念青少年版1B:Unit29 Many happy returns of the da
Oh, great! A new bike!哦 太好了 是辆新自行车2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版1A] 新概念青少年版1A:Unit3 Who's that?
Look at that young man.看那个年轻的男人2017-04-26 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版1B] 新概念青少年版1B:Unit30 An international event
but it's my first half marathon.但这是我第一次跑半程马拉松比赛2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版1A] 新概念青少年版1A:Unit4 Robert isn't well
No, he isn't hungry.不 他不饿2017-04-26 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版2A] 新概念青少年版2A:Unit1 Linda comes to London
Is Paul with you?保罗和你一起吗2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版1A] 新概念青少年版1A:Unit5 Meet the neighbours!
Claire's our new neighbour.我们的新邻居2017-04-26 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版2A] 新概念青少年版2A:Unit2 Good luck on Sunday
People are talking and laughing like old friends.人们就像老朋友一样有说有笑2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版1A] 新概念青少年版1A:Unit6 Gossip!
Is her family here, too?她的家人也在这里吗2017-04-26 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版2A] 新概念青少年版2A:Unit3 Is this yours?
So why is it in my pocket?它为什么会在我的口袋里2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版1A] 新概念青少年版1A:Unit7 Where's my pen?
Is this your pencil-case, too?这是你的铅笔盒吗2017-04-26 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版2A] 新概念青少年版2A:Unit4 The top three percent
Just a hundred and seventy-nine minutes!仅仅用了179分钟2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版1A] 新概念青少年版1A:Unit8 A bump in the night!
Give me the torch, please.把手电筒给我下2017-04-26 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版2A] 新概念青少年版2A:Unit5 All about ants!
But they can survive under water for two weeks.但是他们能在水下生存两个星期2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版1A] 新概念青少年版1A:Unit9 Red,white and pink!
Put them in the washing machine.放到洗衣机里吧2017-04-26 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版2A] 新概念青少年版2A:Unit6 An elegant size
它们是6码(英式6码 相当于中国39码)2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版1A] 新概念青少年版1A:Unit10 Junp in!
and our bags are very heavy.而且我们的书包很重2017-04-26 编辑:alice