[新概念青少年版2B] 新概念青少年版2B:Unit21 The weather forecast
It will bring in warm air form the Atlantic.风将从大西洋带来暖空气2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版2B] 新概念青少年版2B:Unit22 I always behave myself!
And how long will it last?它将持续多长时间2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版2B] 新概念青少年版2B:Unit23 Quite tall and quite strikin
What height is that?那是多高2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版2B] 新概念青少年版2B:Unit24 A quiz
Yes. They're both long rivers.是的 这两条河都很长2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版2B] 新概念青少年版2B:Unit25 Karen saves some money
The microfibre one is cheaper than the linen one.微纤维的这件比亚麻布那件便宜2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版2B] 新概念青少年版2B:Unit26 School reports
all belongs to you and me所有属于你和我的2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版2B] 新概念青少年版2B:Unit27 Pocket money
是的 但你总是比我有更多的钱2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版2B] 新概念青少年版2B:Unit28 She doesn't even exist!
She's the most beautiful girl in the world, and the cleverest.她是时间上最美的女生 也是最聪明的2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版2B] 新概念青少年版2B:Unit29 No one's better than Pau
There were a lot of his friends in the Championships, weren't there?锦标赛上有很多他的朋友 不是吗2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版2B] 新概念青少年版2B:Unit30 A giant squid
其中有一篇报道是关于一只巨型鱿鱼的2017-04-27 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版3A] 新概念青少年版3A:U1 Lesson1 A Proper Job
So why didn't she like working as a model?那么为什么她不喜欢做模特工作呢2017-04-28 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版3A] 新概念青少年版3A:U2 Lesson3 Just Like Your Mother
Ah, I'm going to enjoy this flight!啊 我会喜欢这趟空中之旅的2017-04-28 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版3A] 新概念青少年版3A:U3 Lesson5 We've Had A Long Mor
The third said, "Phone off now. I love you, Mom!"第三条说 要关闭手机了 我爱你 妈妈2017-04-28 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版3A] 新概念青少年版3A:U4 Lesson7 A Museum Piece
It hasn't been out of its box for 20 years!这台电脑放箱子里20年了2017-04-28 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版3A] 新概念青少年版3A:U5 Lesson9 How Long Is Your Day
until they are a bit older.长大了才多起来2017-04-28 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版3A] 新概念青少年版3A:U6 Lesson11 Bird-brained
this sounds just like an admiring peahen.这个声音像雌孔雀的羡慕2017-04-28 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版3A] 新概念青少年版3A:U7 Lesson13 Speakers' Corner
My friends! What is the secret of love? Health!我的朋友 爱的秘密是什么 健康2017-04-28 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版3A] 新概念青少年版3A:U8 Lesson15 Crazy About Alexander C
his hanging sculptures were the best for me!他的悬挂雕塑是我的最爱2017-04-28 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版3A] 新概念青少年版3A:U9 Lesson17 Wat's In A Name
We eat and drink 'chemicals' all the time.我们一直吃着 喝着 化学物质2017-04-28 编辑:alice
[新概念青少年版3A] 新概念青少年版3A:U9 Lesson17 What's In A Name Rh
Betty Batter bought some butter.贝蒂·波特买了些黄油2017-04-28 编辑:alice