[PBS新闻简讯] 乌俄舰艇引发冲突
Russia's military announced today that it is sending more anti-aircraft missiles to occupied Crimea, amid a new crisis with Ukraine. Russian vessels seized three Ukrainian ships and 24 sailors i..2018-11-29 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 巴黎发生严重暴乱
In Paris, the prime minister of France held crisis talks with party leaders today, after the worst riots there in 50 years.2018-12-06 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 也门各方将举行和平对话
Russia's President Vladimir Putin is warning the U.S. against pulling out of a 1987 arms treaty. The Trump administration announced yesterday that it will begin that process in 60 days,2018-12-07 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 联合国禁止恶魔化移民
A U.N. climate conference in Poland has entered its second and final week, with pressure growing for action. About a hundred protesters disrupted a U.S.-sponsored panel on fossil fuel today.2018-12-12 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 法国斯特拉斯堡发生枪击
In the day's other news: The president denied that he ever told his former personal lawyer to violate campaign finance law.2018-12-14 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 刚果发生抗议游行
The partial government shutdown is now guaranteed to extend into the new year. With no progress in sight, the Senate recessed today until next Wednesday.2018-12-28 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 美两名移民儿童死亡
Today, the confirmed death toll in the Indonesian tsunami rose to 429. It struck without warning on Saturday night after a volcano erupted in the Sunda Strait.2018-12-27 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 特朗普威胁关闭政府
In the day's other news: Russia blasted U.S. Senate findings that it ran a sweeping disinformation campaign to help elect President Trump.2018-12-20 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 保罗·瑞恩发表告别演讲
The speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, made his farewell speech today, lamenting what he called America's broken politics.2018-12-21 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 俄罗斯居民楼发生天然气爆炸
In the day's other news: President Trump said he's hoping for a second meeting soon with North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un. On New Year's Day, Kim had said that he, too, would like t..2019-01-04 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 参议员沃伦宣布竞选总统
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has become the first high-profile Democrat to formally move toward making a bid for the presidency in 2020.2019-01-03 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 菲律宾迎接黑面拿萨勒节
Iran has confirmed the arrest of a U.S. Navy veteran, but is not saying what he is charged with. Michael White is the first American known to be detained there since President Trump took office.2019-01-10 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 埃及总统会见美国务卿
In the day's other news: President Trump denied knowing that his former campaign chair Paul Manafort allegedly shared polling data with a Russian associate in 2016.2019-01-11 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 特朗普被指控制民调
In the day's other news: Comments by President Trump's personal attorney raised new questions about whether his 2016 campaign colluded with Russia.2019-01-21 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 内罗毕饭店发生恐袭
In Kenya, explosions and gunfire rocked an upscale hotel and office complex in Nairobi today. A mortuary worker said 15 people were killed, including one American.2019-01-18 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 民主党人开启竞选之路
Israel confirmed that it launched airstrikes against Iranian military sites near Damascus, Syria, early today. They targeted a military training camp, intelligence site and storage facility. Eleven ..2019-01-24 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 民主党人开启竞选之路
Israel confirmed that it launched airstrikes against Iranian military sites near Damascus, Syria, early today. They targeted a military training camp, intelligence site and storage facility. Eleven ..2019-01-23 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 委内瑞拉抗议活动高涨
There's a tentative deal in the week-long teachers' strike in Los Angeles. The union and the school district reached agreement today on a new contract.2019-01-24 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 美国与塔利班和谈取得进展
In the day's other news: The Trump administration began returning to Mexico Central American migrants who seek legal asylum, while their cases are processed.2019-01-30 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 特朗普将发表国情咨文
In the day's other news: President Trump's longtime friend and adviser Roger Stone pleaded not guilty to charges of obstruction,2019-02-04 编辑:Wendy