[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第14期:基因改变不了事情
When we finally got to the end of the experiment, 当我们最终完成实验时 there was no difference in the lifespan at all. 没有发现任何寿命长短的区别 The genetic manipulation had no effect. 基因操纵不造成任何改变 So, we sit there ..2013-03-21 编辑:finn
[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第15期:衰老过程十分缓慢
which makes it particularly interesting to scientists. 它们身上有更吸引科学家的东西 What, to me, has been so fascinating is 对我来说很有吸引力的是 they have put their little finger up at ageing. 它们的衰老过程十分缓慢2013-03-22 编辑:finn
[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第16期:疯狂的 结果
"You guys don't know how to measure this technique "你们根本不知道如何计量 so that's why you're getting these crazy measurements." 所以你们会得到这些疯狂的结果"2013-03-23 编辑:finn
[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第17期:我希望一直活下去
I would expect, I'd expect I'd have to stop dancing around 85. 我觉得我到85岁应该不能再跳舞了 'As long as I'm enjoying my life, then I want to keep going. 只要我还能享受生活 我会希望一直活下去2013-03-24 编辑:finn
[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第18期:抵抗衰老的方法
When I was a little kid, he told me to grow up, 我小的时候 他告诉我长大以后 become a doctor and cure ageing. 要成为医生 找到抵抗衰老的方法 That's been just something I've been focused on my entire life. 这后来成了我一..2013-03-25 编辑:finn
[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第19期:无法产生新的细胞
I knew since I was in high school that there's 从高中起我就知道 got to be some kind of clock that's ticking inside of us. 我们体内应该存在着像钟一样的东西 And it really frustrated me that nobody knew what this ..2013-03-26 编辑:finn
[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第20期:停止衰老
We want to find a drug that will get 我们想要找到一种药 inside of our cells and turn that telomores gene on 能进入细胞内 开启制造端粒酶的基因 so all the rest of our cells in our body don't age, 让其余所有细胞都如生殖细胞一样 ju..2013-03-27 编辑:finn
[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第21期:早衰老症的儿童
Scientists believed that children 科学家相信 with progeria were born with especially short telomeres. 早衰症儿童的端粒生来就相当短 This suggested telomeres were central to ageing. 这提示了端粒对衰老起着关键性作用 Their bodies d..2013-03-28 编辑:finn
[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第22期:早衰症
Progeria is 早衰症确实是 a truly remarkable disease, and I think what is remarkable 一种值得注意的疾病 is the large number of parallels between 因为这种极端情况 this very extreme disease and the normal ageing proc..2013-03-30 编辑:finn
[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第23期:延缓衰老
I learned I was the very first person 我发现我是第一个 ever to actually sign up paying to take TA 65. 真正服用TA65的人2013-03-31 编辑:finn
[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第24期:引起衰老症的原因
Now that the gene has been identified 如今 科学家们已经鉴定出该基因 and the length of telomeres 并测量出了 has actually been measured in progeria patients, 早衰症患者端粒的长度 we know that that is not the cause of the d..2013-04-01 编辑:finn
[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第25期:破坏性蛋白质的产生
Dr Misteli believes this build-up of damaged protein 米斯泰林博士觉得这种破损性蛋白质的产生 within our cells could be at the heart of how we all age. 可能就是我们如何衰老的根本原因2013-04-03 编辑:finn
[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第26期:抗衰老的机理
But he has it, too. 不过我孙子也有关节炎 To have to see him 眼睁睁的看着他 go through that at five years old, it's like...' 才五岁就要受这种痛苦 就像是 I don't know how to put it in perspective, 我不知道要怎样表达我的心情2013-04-04 编辑:finn
[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第27期:基因代代相传
Because we inherit our parents' genes, 因为我们继承了父母的基因 we might also be vulnerable to some of the same illnesses. 所以我们也可能得同样的病2013-04-05 编辑:finn
[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第28期:苍老的双手
I remember when she showed me her hand, 我记得 当她把手给我看时 I suddenly noticed that her hand was an old hand, 我突然间意识到她的手是如此的苍老2013-04-06 编辑:finn
[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第31期:素食主义者
There you go. Eat like this and you live to 102. 你就靠吃这些 活到了102岁 So his team conducted 他的组员们为500位百岁老人 physical and cognitive assessments 做了身体和认知能力的检查2013-04-09 编辑:finn
[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第32期:肥胖和超重
something rather shocking about these centenarians. 在这些百岁老人中 有更多令人惊讶的发现 30% of them were obese or overweight 他们中有百分之三十的人有肥胖或超重的问题2013-04-10 编辑:finn
[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第33期:基因决定长寿?
It's commonly believed that 普遍认为 人的寿命是由 it's 80% the environment and 20% genes. 百分之八十的环境和百分之二十的基因决定 In centenarians, it's probably the opposite. 对于这些百岁老人来说 或许正好相反 It's probab..2013-04-11 编辑:finn
[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第34期:老年痴呆
As long as you're healthy. As long as you're healthy! 只要你身体健康 身体健康就是原因 It seems that those that have this specific genotype 有些特殊的遗传基因 are protected from Alzheimer by about 80%. 80%能让人..2013-04-12 编辑:finn
[《长生不老》纪录片] BBC地平线系列之《长生不老》第35期:治疗和预防老年病的方法
The advantages of finding a gene that is involving longevity 发现导致长寿的基因的好处是 is that many times we can just develop a drug 我们可以研发出一种 that will imitate exactly what this gene is doing. 功能和长寿基因相同的药物2013-04-13 编辑:finn