[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第92期:浪漫主义色彩
That's Jack Porter. 那是杰克·波特 He owns the Stowaway. 他是偷渡者酒吧的老板 Well, what on earth is he doing here? 他到底来这里干什么 Oh, Nolan. I should've guessed. 诺兰搞的鬼 我早该想到2013-04-12 编辑:finn
[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第93期:只有美女拯救我
Asian markets are in a tailspin, 亚洲市场陷入混乱 and I can't get my broker on the phone. 而我无法联系到我的股票经纪人 Any advice before I drown myself in the ocean? 在我投海自尽之前 你们有什么建议吗 Well, too late. 太迟了 The..2013-04-13 编辑:finn
[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第94期:我对你有特别的感觉
Ever since I first saw you... 自从我第一次见到你 I knew there was something about you. 我就知道 我对你有一些特别的感觉 And I couldn't put my finger on it... 那时候我还不能确定 Until now. 直到现在2013-04-14 编辑:finn
[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第95期:永世不得超生
Look, I think I'm being set up. 我想我被人设计了 In fact, I think we're all being set up. 事实上 我们可能都被人下了套2013-04-16 编辑:finn
[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第96期:爱上丹尼尔
Of course... 当然有可能 you're actually falling for Daniel? 你真的爱上丹尼尔了 You're just a consultant, remember? 你只是个顾问 记得吗2013-04-17 编辑:finn
[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第97期:和亚当分手了
Then I'll bring a date, too. 那我也带个伴儿 Last I heard, you and Adam had broken up. 据我所知 你和亚当分手了 Let's keep it to tradition. 我们还是沿袭传统吧2013-04-24 编辑:finn
[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第98期:恨得咬牙切齿
Well, look what the cat dragged in. 看看你都招惹了什么好事 Your mother is ready to kill you. 你妈对你恨得咬牙切齿 She's not alone, by the way. 而且不止她一个人生气2013-04-25 编辑:finn
[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第99期:对这段感情是认真的
Ooh. Don't tell me he gave you 不要告诉我 他跟你说了 the whole "Emily's a very private person" thing. "艾米莉是个注重隐私的人" Actually, he didn't mention any names at all. 事实上 他连她名字都没..2013-04-26 编辑:finn
[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第100期:追求名花有主的姑娘
Well, the friends I keep wouldn't have pushed me 我的朋友可不会挑动我去追求 towards a girl that they knew was unavailable. 名花有主的姑娘2013-04-27 编辑:finn
[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第101期:将功赎罪
Your friend is a bit of a miracle. 你的朋友能活下来真是个奇迹 I've seen people fall 10 feet and not make it. 有些人从三米高的地方摔下来就没命了2013-04-28 编辑:finn
[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第102期:永远不要低估你的敌人
What's the first thing I taught you? 我教你的首要原则还记得吗 Never underestimate your enemy. 永远不要低估你的敌人 And never let your guard down. 还有永远不要放松警惕2013-04-29 编辑:finn
[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第103期:没有深爱过其他女人
And for the record, 再重申一下 I really never have loved any woman 我从没像爱你这样深切地 the way I've loved you. 爱过其他女人2013-04-30 编辑:finn
[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第104期:情深意切
Tyler sicced that reporter on me. 泰勒借那个记者来对付我 I had to spin it to my advantage. 我得扭转局势 保护自己 You were so effusive about Daniel, 你对丹尼尔真是情深意切2013-05-01 编辑:finn
[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第105期:当做什么事都没发生
And about the other night... 还有那天晚上 Can we pretend that didn't happen? 我们能当做什么事都没发生过吗 I'm still pretty embarrassed about that. 我还是觉得很尴尬2013-05-02 编辑:finn
[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第106期:别对我下命令
My girl can't stand you. 我的女友可不待见你 Well, if Ashley doesn't want to see me, 如果阿什莉不想见到我 she should take out a restraining order. 那她应该申请对我的限制令2013-05-05 编辑:finn
[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第108期:吃软饭
I noticed that all your bills last summer 发现去年夏天你所有的账单 were paid by one Leslie Montgomery, 都是一个叫做莱斯利·蒙哥马利帮你付的 kept-boy style. 你好像被包养了似的 I get it. Older women can be so hot. 我理解 半老徐娘 风韵犹存2013-05-07 编辑:finn
[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第109期:做个交易
Now then, I can't have you sharing all this. 既然这样 我可不能让你白白知道 You did say this was a negotiation, so... 你说这是交涉 那么 Let's make a deal. 就让我们做个交易2013-05-08 编辑:finn
[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第107期:婚礼请帖
Our wedding invitation. How nice. 我们的婚礼请帖 真贴心 I tracked down the printer who did the original 我找到了最初印请帖的印刷商 and had one made for you. 特地为你们做了一份2013-05-06 编辑:finn
[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第110期:你觉得他配不上你
You let him think he had a shot, 你让他认为他仍有机会 but he never did, 但其实根本没有 because in your mind, 因为在你心里 he will never be good enough for you people. 他永远也配不上你们这些人2013-05-10 编辑:finn
[复仇] 美剧《复仇》S01E06 第111期:你就是恶魔之女
Your name's not really Amanda Clarke, is it? 你的真名并非阿曼达·克拉克 对吧 It's Emily Thorne. 而是艾米莉·索恩2013-05-18 编辑:finn