[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1046期:浪费生命-在不应该做的事情上浪费了太多的时间(12)
Video games. Reality TV. Surfing the ‘net. Stuffingyour face with too much food. Drinking too much. And the list goes on. 视频游戏、电视真人秀、上网、吃得太多、喝得太多。这样的例子不胜枚举。2015-11-04 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1051期:生活真理-你的信念创造你的人生(1)
What you believe about yourself, the world, andanything else is directly related to how you experience life. 你对自己、对世界、对其他事物的信念直接影响到你对生活的体验。2015-11-09 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1052期:真理-生活的魔力就在你的舒适区之外(2)
Doing the things that scare and excite you at thesame time are exactly the things that will shift your life in incredible ways. 做那些让你既害怕又兴奋的事会意想不到地改变你的生活。2015-11-10 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1053期:真理-现在就是开始的最佳时机(3)
You can make a bunch of excuses about why startingwhen you have more experience, money, or time is better, but the truth is yourtime is now. 你可以找一堆借口,说为什么你要在更有经验、更有钱、时机更好的时候再开始。但事实上现在就是你的时机。2015-11-11 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1055期:真理-首先要高兴(5)
The belief that when you finally get there (whereverthat is) you will be happy is a misunderstanding of how life works. 如果你以为到达终点的时候(不管那是哪里)你才会高兴的话,那你就误解快乐的本质了。2015-11-13 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1056期:真理-你已经足够优秀了(6)
Second only to fear, feeling not good enough isanother way you may be holding yourself back from the life you truly desire. 仅次于恐惧、阻碍你拥有理想人生的另一种因素就是觉得自己不够优秀。2015-11-14 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1057期:真理-恐惧他就是个骗子(7)
The number one thing that stops most people fromliving a life of fulfillment and joy is fear.阻碍大部分人过上快乐美满生活的头号杀手就是恐惧。2015-11-15 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1058期:真理-追求内心(8)
改变生活的真理Your heart knows more than your head so listen to it. 你的心比你的头脑知道得更多,所以照着内心说的做吧2015-11-16 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1061期:真理-追随内心就是你的人生目标(11)
Finding your life purpose can often feel like tryingto locate the Holy Grail, but the truth is it's not as hard as you think. 寻找人生目标经常就像寻找圣杯在哪里一样麻烦,但事实上这没有你想象的那么难。2015-11-19 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1059期:真理-放手就是答案(9)
Too often we spend our time keeping score of whatisn't working, what's not manifesting, and what's just going wrong in our livesand that only keeps us stuck. 我们总是花太很多时间去在意那些没有意义、鸡毛蒜皮的事和那..2015-11-17 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1060期:真理-有想法的行动就是一切(10)
As logical thinkers and problem solvers, we've beentaught that the best way to achieve our desires is to set a goal, create a planand take massive action. 我们懂得逻辑思考,懂得如何解决问题。我们学过,要获得自己想要的东西,最好的..2015-11-18 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1063期:阳光每一天-倾情回馈(2)
Giving our time, energy, love, mentorship andsometimes money is what life is about. 人生的真谛是给予我们的时间、能量、爱和教导(金钱有时也是),我们向世界付出的一切都会有所回馈。2015-11-21 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1064期:阳光每一天-之于裂痕,要么修复,要么忘怀(3)
Mend what's broken or get rid of it.之于裂痕,要么修复,要么忘怀。Determining what is worth your time and effort andwhat is not can be challenging. 决定什么值得你付出时间与努力,而什么又不值得,是有难度的。2015-11-22 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1062期:阳光每一天-感觉不错的事都值得敬重(1)
Things that make us smile, laugh and feel good arejust awesome.所有让我们笑逐颜开,感觉不错的事都值得敬重。2015-11-20 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1065期:阳光每一天-勿要躲避或忽视阴暗面(4)
我们得正视生活的阴暗面,这样才能将其克服与战胜。负面因素可以包括生活中会使你沮丧的人和不友善的工作环境,甚至是目前仍让你感到压力的源头。你所处的环境为你掌控。倘若这些消极场景一直出现,将其解决的也只能是你。2015-11-23 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1066期:成功路上的绊脚石-忘恩负义(1)
Pitfalls that lie athwartevery pathway to success功路上的绊脚石。Ingratitude忘恩负义The final pitfall isby far the most dangerous, because it's so easy to miss. 最后一道陷阱是最危险的,因为我们很容易错过它。2015-11-24 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1070期:成功路上的绊脚石-分心(5)
The modern worldclamors for your attention in ever-louder ways, a deluge that can distract youfrom your course. 在现代社会里,各种喧闹扰乱着你的心绪,像洪水般冲荡着自己的进程。2015-11-28 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1071期:成功路上的绊脚石-自满(6)
Without passion,even the most compelling vision will wither on the vine. 没有激情,即使是最激动人心的愿景也将无果而终。2015-11-29 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1067期:成功路上的绊脚石-不诚实(2)
As you begin to besuccessful, you'll be tempted to lie, exaggerate, and deceive in order to moveyour agenda forward. However, taking the easy way of dishonesty has a tendencyto sneak back up on ..2015-11-25 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1068期:成功路上的绊脚石-孤立(3)
The old sayings"no man is an island" and "there's strength in numbers" maysound corny, but that doesn't make them any less true. “没有人是与世隔绝的孤岛”和“人多力量大” 这两句俗语可能听起来毫无新意,但这丝毫不能影响..2015-11-26 编辑:Ukki