[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第2期:熊宝宝
As the weather warms,[qh] 随着天气变暖[qh] the ice beneath the bears' feet starts to break up and then melt.[qh] 北极熊脚下的冰层开始分裂融化[qh]2012-12-24 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第3期:近距离接触
This mother and her cubs[qh] 在冬季冰封海面之前 [qh] may well not get another meal[qh] 这位母亲和她的宝宝[qh]2012-12-25 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第4期:坐雪橇
But now, cracks are appearing[qh] 但现在 以前没有裂缝的地方[qh] where they never did before.[qh] 也出现了裂缝[qh]2012-12-26 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第5期:冰面急速下降
melt away almost entirely in the summertime, 到了盛夏时节很可能会全部融化 and that includes the ice at the North Pole. 北极的冰也难以幸免2012-12-27 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第6期:海象妈妈迷糊了
Nobody has had a better view of the changes to the Arctic Ocean[qh] 没有人比阿拉斯加最北的巴罗镇人[qh] than the people of Barrow, the most northerly town in Alaska.[qh] 能更近距离地观测到这样的变化了[qh]2012-12-28 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第7期:北极露背鲸
This daring attempt by the Russians to claim 2007年 俄罗斯大胆地声称 the disputed seabed at the North Pole in 2007 北极受争议的海床是自己的领土2012-12-29 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第8期:反射太阳的能量
Killer whales are now a much more common sight in the Arctic.[qh] 现在在北极也常常可以见到虎鲸了[qh] Their tall fins make it difficult for them to travel under ice,[qh] 长长的鳍虽阻碍了它们在冰下穿梭[qh]2012-12-30 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第9期:北极最大的冰原
The Greenland ice sheet is by far the largest in the Arctic. 格林兰冰原是目前北极最大的冰原 It's two miles thick in places 有些地方有两英里厚2012-12-31 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第10期:冰川锅穴
We've got this amazing moulin going off here today.[qh] 今天我们找到了这个非凡的冰川锅穴[qh] The water's overflowing from the lake, which is beginning to drain.[qh] 从湖里溢出来的水正在慢慢流干[qh]2013-01-01 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第11期:让湖水消失的洞穴
we know that shoots straight through that ice[qh] 径直冲破了冰川[qh] and actually hits the bed of the ice sheet.[qh] 直接撞击了冰原的底部[qh]2013-01-02 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第12期:格陵兰冰川
Greenland's ice is flowing down to the sea[qh] 格陵兰冰川向大海移动的速度[qh] twice as quickly as it was 20 years ago.[qh] 是二十年前的两倍[qh]2013-01-03 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第13期:向捕鲸队求救
99% of the Arctic's fresh water ice is in Greenland.[qh] 北极地区99%的淡水冰在格陵兰[qh] It's a staggeringly big ice sheet,[qh] 这是块相当巨大的冰原[qh]2013-01-04 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第14期:气候变暖
Temperatures in South Georgia have risen sharply, 南乔治亚岛的温度急剧上升 but the Southern Hemisphere's most dramatic warming 但在南半球最显著的气候变暖现象2013-01-05 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第15期:金图企鹅
This is midsummer 现在是盛夏时节 and the average temperature is some 20 degrees below freezing. 平均温度却在零下二十度左右 And I can tell you it feels much lower than that. 而感觉上却远远低于这个温度2013-01-06 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第16期:冰架破裂
In 2008, a much larger ice shelf 2008年 在半岛南端 at the southern end of the Peninsula started to break up. 一块更大的冰架开始破裂 It's an enormous event that's never been filmed before. 人类从来没有记录过这么大的..2013-01-07 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第17期:崩塌的冰崖
And most of the big ones will be ones 大多数大型冰山 that have broken off the ice shelves in this area. 都是由附近的冰架断裂形成的2013-01-08 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第18期:冰山是如何形成的
Every one of these huge icebergs will slowly drift out to sea. 这些大型冰山都将慢慢地漂入大海 To study how fast that happens, 为了研究崩裂发生的速度2013-01-09 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第19期:冰雪流失
It's the latest ice shelf 一道洋流向南漂流 to disintegrate in a wave that's been travelling southwards, 一路上使新近形成的冰架破裂2013-01-10 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第21期:冰层越来越脆弱
And the news is that a little crack, 据说 我在冰上看到的那条 which I'd seen in the ice between our tent and the airstrip, 位于帐篷和飞机跑道之间的小裂缝 which was no more than an inch or so wide, 当时还不到一英寸宽2013-01-11 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第22期:飞机跑道破裂
The biggest concern was 大家最担心的是 that the ice airstrip might break apart, 冰面上的飞机跑道可能也破裂了2013-01-12 编辑:finn