[大千世界] “中国游”的升温,显示了中国的吸引力和开放姿态
According to data released by multiple tourism platforms,2024-10-15 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 2024年诺贝尔文学奖,颁给了这位韩国女作家
South Korean author Han Kang has been awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature, the Swedish Academy announced on Thursday2024-10-16 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 哀牢山发现 “世界最神秘的鸟”,全球仅千只
Currently, authorities have only opened the outer areas of the Ailao Mountains to tourists,2024-10-17 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 年度最大“超级月亮”就在今晚!这轮“胖月”用英文怎么说?
Keep your eyes along the horizon at dusk to witness a stunning lunar display rise this evening.2024-10-18 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 用人民币在俄罗斯买水,列车员大姐反应太暖了!
As the 16th BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia, draws near, China Daily reporter Peng Yixuan boarded a train from Moscow to Kazan2024-10-21 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] “Kidult”风文创走红,有点幼稚但对成年人来说刚刚好
Jellycat's café, opened by London toymaker Jellycat, sells facsimiles of teapots,2024-10-21 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 美国设计师因着装被故宫劝离?故宫回应了
US designer Rick Owens and his crew were recently asked to leave the Forbidden City due to their edgy outfits.2024-10-22 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 立秋以来最强冷空气来袭!你的厚衣服拿出来了吗?
Starting Friday, regions north of the Yangtze River are set to face the strongest cold wave since the Start of Autumn,2024-10-22 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 泰山惊现机器狗“挑山工”,华春莹点赞!
A robotic dog that would be deployed to deliver heavy loads including garbage is in a test run at the Taishan Mountain scenic area in Tai'an, East China's Shandong province2024-10-23 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 霜降丨秋末的寒意,冬日的序曲
Frost's Descent signals that winter is approaching.2024-10-24 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] “印度火车”穿隧道视频火了,外媒打假:不是印度,是中国
Footage of a high-speed train passing through mountain tunnels has been viewed millions of times in posts that falsely portrayed it as an completed Indian railway project in October 2024.2024-10-24 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 喀山必吃美食推荐!各国领导人一下飞机都会吃这道甜点……
Footage of a high-speed train passing through mountain tunnels has been viewed millions of times in posts that falsely portrayed it as an completed Indian railway project in October 2024.2024-10-25 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 可可西里网红狼被游客喂成“胖球”!已经开始挑食了
In the Hoh Xil Nature reserve of Qinghai province,2024-10-30 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 警犬“福仔”近照曝光,网友:小狗上班后,也有班味了……
In a recent development, the corgi Fu Zai has successfully completed his working dog certification after nearly a year of rigorous training,2024-10-30 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 原来不止我一个人有读奶茶名羞耻症!网友:终于找到组织了
The milk tea names can be quite a mouthful. If you have ever struggled with the long and tricky names while ordering the beverage, you're not alone!2024-10-31 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 北京烤鸭vs红菜汤:这对姐妹城市有点甜!
When you mention Moscow to people in Beijing, they think of more than just the capital of Russia.2024-11-01 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 国博清晨六七点排起长队!这款冰箱贴为何一“冠”难求?
Recently, fridge magnets inspired by the phoenix coronet of Empress Xiaoduan from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) have gone viral on social media, with a flood of posts sharing purchase experiences,2024-11-05 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 面对郑州“神秘消失”的共享单车,开封大学生开始“反击”了!
A new trend in Henan province!2024-11-06 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 副局长推介视频火遍全网!“赵shú~帮咱介绍一下rice”
The video's unexpected popularity significantly boosted Uncle Zhao's rice sales2024-11-07 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 马斯克为特朗普“刷火箭”,还发了这样一张图……
No single business leader did more to support Donald Trump’s candidacy than Elon Musk.2024-11-08 编辑:sophie