[大千世界] 珍·古道尔来中国了!她与黑猩猩的故事感动无数人
"Staring into the eyes of a chimpanzee, I saw a thinking, reasoning personality looking back,"2024-12-04 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 作家琼瑶离世,终年86岁
Renowned Taiwan author Chiung Yao has passed away at 86 in an apparent suicide, as confirmed by Taiwan media2024-12-05 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 春节申遗成功!中国世界非遗总数第一
The United Nations Educational,2024-12-06 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 澳门故宫文化遗产保护传承中心
The Center of Preservation and Transmission for Cultural Heritage of the Palace Museum in Macao was inaugurated on November 28, 20242024-12-09 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 大雪 | 雪舞冬寒,静享寒冬之美
Major Snow, the twenty-first solar term of the 24 solar terms, marks the deepening of winter2024-12-09 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] “哥伦比亚一机库发现约2万具尸体”,联合国机构指控!
The Committee on Enforced Disappearances has recently made a disturbing claim:2024-12-10 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 浙大博士生将减肥写成论文!这个瘦身法火了
Wang Chuncheng, an engineering PhD student at Zhejiang University,2024-12-12 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 走红的“虹膜写真”安全吗?医生提醒……
Iris photography has become a new trend, with many online users and businesses sharing related photos on social media2024-12-12 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 春节——中国人庆祝传统新年的社会实践
春节 Spring Festival2024-12-13 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 搪瓷盆草莓蛋糕火了!网友:这不是我妈装猪油的盆吗?
Enamel basins are staging a comeback this winter.2024-12-13 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 北大教授因女儿痛经研发新药,网友激动:很需要,快上市
Professor Xiao Ruiping of Peking University has developed a new medication to alleviate her daughter's severe menstrual cramps from endometriosis.2024-12-17 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] “我根本想都不敢想,我们的国家……”
Before coming to Macao, China Daily reporter Peng Yixuan read a series of sociological books about the region.2024-12-19 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 闻一多想不到,《七子之歌》在清华大学以这种方式唱响
With just over ten minutes to go, elementary and university students were continuing intensive rehearsals.2024-12-20 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 美国一男子向在地铁睡觉的女子身上纵火,致其身亡
The New York authorities have arrested Sebastian Zapeta,2024-12-24 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] “泼水成冰”翻车了!哪个环节出问题了?
Jiangxi tourist Ms Jiang got scalded trying "splashing water to make ice" while visiting Heilongjiang.2024-12-24 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] “黑悟空”雪雕自带苹果肌遭嘲讽,佳木斯文旅:连夜施工,成品超帅!
A 14-meter-tall snow sculpture of Wukong at the Jiamusi Ice-Snow World,2024-12-25 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] “别试了,真拔不下来!”网友:我不信,我偏要试……
Have you ever tried attaching a smartwatch to the high-speed train window?2024-12-26 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] “可可西里网红狼”被车轧死?官方回应
Several netizens on social media said that the overweight "celebrity wolf" from the Hoh Xil Nature reserve of Qinghai province was accidentally killed by a large truck on Monday2024-12-26 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 用静电“检验”真爱?网友:噼里啪啦,发现“爱”错了!
Static electricity is a form of electricity that results from an imbalance between positive and negative charges within a material.2024-12-27 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 关于张桂梅,两个好消息!
Ten graduates of Huaping Girls' High School recently revisited their alma mater to reunite with their teacher,2024-12-27 编辑:sophie